Words on Wheels

LQ: 9.1


Brain grade: 9.3
Fun score: 8.8

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 5–12 Thinking Skills Used: ,

Words on Wheels is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app for the iPad that helps children with speech problems to communicate more efficiently by combining images to create sentences. It is especially good at helping kids with Autism and other Autistic Spectrum Disorders to communicate their thoughts and needs when they aren’t able to do so verbally. Words on Wheels features 50 preloaded images representing common words, while providing empty slots for users to add their own words as well. Using the iPad’s built-in camera and microphone, parents can customize this app for their child’s specific needs by adding pictures and recording the words these pictures represent. Due to the app’s ease of use and targeted demographics, Works on Wheels is recommended to users ages 5-12.

this app is good for kids who need help with:


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

While using Words on Wheels, children will have to experiment with different image combinations to effectively communicate their thoughts and needs. By requiring the user to try new picture combinations when their previous attempts do not produce a desired result, kids will be utilizing and developing their Flexibility skills.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

Rather than getting frustrated and requiring someone else to figure out and solve their problems, children can use this app to think about how they are feeling, and express their thoughts all by themselves. This requires kids to use their Self-Awareness skills to consider their  emotions, come to conclusions about their needs, and develop strategies for expressing themselves.


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