We Read Too

LQ: 9.15


Brain grade: 9
Fun score: 9.3

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 1+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:


We Read Too is a book database designed to promote books from a wide and diverse audience. Simply download the app, choose the age appropriate to your child and scroll through various books featuring people of color and written by people of color. If you are interested in a particular book, click on it to read the synopsis and discover information about the publishing year, the number of pages, and the Amazon link if you would like to purchase it. You can also export the book information via text or email, or even click the heart to keep your favorites stored on the app itself. 

If you think you have a book that would be a good addition to the We Read Too app, there is also a submission form where you can add the title, author, and genre for consideration. 

We Read Too is a free app available for Android and iOS.

We Read Too  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Flexibility: Trying new things. 

We Read Too is a database of hundreds of books, so it is perfect for users who struggle with being flexible. There are books covering many different topics in both fiction and nonfiction, meaning that there is something for everyone. Users can try opening the app and picking one new book to try as a starter. From there, they can use the app to broaden their reading horizons and try books in categories they may not have explored before. 

Self-Awareness: Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings. 

Knowing what books will motivate us to read more requires a degree of self-awareness. Students can practice this skill in a low-stakes environment by using the We Read Too app. Because the student can choose their age level and scroll through many different types of books, it allows them to develop a better sense of what they like as a reader and spark more interest in searching out their own reading material.

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