
LQ: 8.9


Brain grade: 8.1
Fun score: 9.7

Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


Wakeout is a movement app that aims to get people to become more aware about adding exercise to their daily lives. The app is broken into different sections: Breaks, Wakeouts, Workday, and Wind Down. Each section has small movements that you can do at different times of the day to ensure that you are not sitting in your chair starting at a screen all day. Exercises are fun and use household or office items, meaning that these are exercises you can do without purchasing additional equipment. For example, Cushion Rainbows are a stretching crunch exercise that simply uses your couch and a throw pillow. Wakeouts, the main exercise options on the app, are divided into the different areas where these exercises can be performed, whether at your desk, in the park, or on your bed before you go to sleep. 

The app keeps track of your activities and lets you know your current fitness level. It also has a built-in focus timer for days when you need a little extra reminder not to pick up your phone. 

Walkout has a free seven day trial but after this, the app requires a subscription service, which can be monthly or annually renewed.

Wakeout  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Focus: Ignoring distractions. 

The exercises in Wakeout are designed to be short in nature, allowing for movement even when you don’t have a lot of time. Kids who struggle with focus may benefit from these types of exercises because they help them concentrate on one activity for a short, sustained period of time. Starting with smaller break activities and working up to the slightly longer Wakeout routines can help build the stamina a child needs to focus on the exercises or other activities in their day-to-day lives. 

For times when your child needs to focus on a particular activity, such as homework or reading, the focus timer can help enforce the idea of paying attention to one thing and avoiding other distractions like phones or video games. Start with a focus timer at five minutes or so and build up to longer periods of time. This way the child can experience success right away and will have a better concept of what is required when they need to focus. 


Self-Awareness: Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

Sometimes it can be difficult to acknowledge when we need a break from whatever activity we are currently doing. If your child has been playing games for a couple of hours, they might not understand that they would feel better by taking a short break and moving around for a little bit. The small Break activities in the Wakeout app allow for brief moments of physical activity to break up otherwise sedentary behavior. Start with smaller Break activities and then work up to the Wakeout activities, changing up locations whenever possible. This will build the self-awareness skills within the child that are necessary for knowing when a break is needed. 

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