Toca House

LQ: 8.1


Brain grade: 7.8
Fun score: 8.4

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 2–7 Thinking Skills Used: ,

Toca House is another app in the Toca Boca “digital toys” library. Users meet a home full of colorful characters, each with a unique chore or task that needs accomplishing around the house. Helping characters do everything from sorting mail to ironing wrinkled clothing, users are shown a number of handy skills for accomplishing essential household tasks. After each task is accomplished, the room or surface sparkles and users are ushered on to the next character and the next unique chore. This app can be a great introduction for young children and alternative learners to learn basic household operations such as doing laundry, sweeping a dirty floor, or throwing out spoiled fruit. This app contains no offensive content, is easy to use, and is recommended for any user ages 2 to 7.



Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

toca house 1The open-ended fomrat and multiple tasks users switch between while using Toca House encourages them to adapt to changing mechanics and goals. Users are tasked with completing a number of unique tasks, each requiring a specific strategy for success. For example, in some tasks, users are required to sort mail based on color and recipient, while in other tasks, users must iron out the wrinkles in a shirt, or sort fruit based on whether it is fresh or spoiled. Each one requires different touch-based input from users, and to advance through each mini-game, users must change and adjust their strategy to meet new demands and requirements.


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

Toca House can help introduce young users and alternative learners to concepts of basic organization and housekeeping. In some activities, users are asked to hang laundry, sweep the floor, help a character clean off in the bath, or sort out rotten fruit. Users are also asked to sort mail for the occupants of the home based on color and a picture of the recipient. Users can also practice properly sorting and putting away groceries, helping them to associate different foods with safe storage such as keeping easily spoiled foods in a refrigerator. Playing Toca House can help introduce young children and alternative learners to the basic materials required to complete every day organizational tasks around the home. Whether using a broom to sweep a dirty floor, an iron to take the wrinkles out of clothes, or simply sorting good fruit from spoiled fruit, Toca House helps alternative learners associate objects with their everyday uses.

Toca House can help your child exercise the Flexibility and Organization thinking skills. Try some of our suggested activities or let us know how you made this app work for you in the comment field at the bottom of the page. 

Flexibility Activity

toca house mini gamesTalk to your child about the differences between activities in Toca House. Each activity requires your child to employ a different strategy or set of skills. Discuss these differences with your child and when possible show your child the activities' real-world applications. For example, the strategy needed to clean a carpet is different than cleaning a hardwood floor. What advantages does one strategy over another? Why would an individual need a broom for a hard surface, but a vacuum for a carpeted surface. Your child should understand that trying different approaches in order to achieve different goals is part of exercising the Flexibility thinking skill and can even apply to other activities in school or at home.

Organization Activity

After completing some of the activities in Toca House, ask your child to assemble some of the required materials to complete one of these activities in your own home. For example, if your child is preparing to clean his or her room, what materials and tools might be needed? Help your child determine the proper usage of different tools associated with cleaning. For example, show your child the different attachments for the vacuum cleaner and discuss the ideal situations in which to use each attachment. Find the appropriate items used for dusting and discuss why this activity is important and how assembling and using the proper tools can make the process easier and more efficient.

Toca House & Autism Spectrum Disorders

toca house activitiesFor some children who are challenged by the effects of autism spectrum disorders, basic hygiene procedures or everyday tasks can be difficult to recall or execute. Additionally, some children may have trouble associating tools and objects used in the home with their intended use. For these children, Toca Home can be a fun and alternative way to introduce the proper usage of household objects. The app can also help teach children about basic tasks for keeping a clean home or practicing some basic hygiene.

How to Use Toca House for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders:

  • Try helping each of the different occupants in Toca House with their task. After completing a task such as sorting spoiled fruit from ripe fruit, help show your child a real world application. For example, demonstrate what a ripe and healthy apple looks like to your child. If possible, show him or her a spoiled piece of fruit. Understanding the basic signs of spoiled food can help your child to distinguish between items that are safe to eat and items that should be thrown away and are no longer viable for consumption. Alternatively, ask your child to help your put away food after a trip to the grocery store. Help your child to understand why some foods should be safely stored in a refrigerator while others can be kept in a cabinet or on the counter. 
  • Help the occupants in Toca House clean the home by sweeping or vacuuming. After completing these tasks, show your child the corresponding appliances in your own home. Your child should try using a real broom to sweep the floor, or help you vacuum a carpet. Helping your child to understand the association between an object and its proper use within the home can be aided by both introducing him or her to the object in Toca Home, as well as the real object within your own home.
  • Play Toca House with your child and discuss the different activities while playing. For example, while sorting mail with the mailman, ask your child what factors help determine who the recipient is. Discuss what your child is doing while sweeping or vacuuming the floor, or talk about when and why someone might use an iron to take the wrinkles out of clothing. Helping your child associate the in-app activities with their real-world counterparts is a great way to help your child understand and associate objects with their uses.

Toca House is one of many "digital toys" created by Toca Boca. Try some of the other fun and exciting apps from Toca Boca below and let us know which ones are your favorite in the comment field at the bottom of the page.

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Create exciting and original robots using a virtually endless combination of mechanical parts. Users select the components of their robots from an assortment of recycled appliances and other common items and test them while searching for stars in randomly generated mazes. Find out more in our Toca Robot Lab review.

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