Tasks: To Do Lists and Kanban

LQ: 8.75


Brain grade: 9.2
Fun score: 8.3

Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,


Tasks is an organizational app in which the user can create To-Do lists  in order to keep track of project development and management. 

When the user opens the app, they can begin organizing their projects by clicking on the plus icon in the upper right corner of the screen. The user can then name the project, assign it a color and a representative icon for easy recognition. Once the project is created, the user can then click on it and begin adding tasks; this is where the user can add collaborators, due dates, priority settings, and tags that will help categorize it amongst other projects. 

The app has several features that also integrate with other applications on the user’s phone such as the notes app and using Siri to add tasks directly to the app. Tasks is free to use but certain features, such as unlimited projects, collaboration, and iCloud backup require a subscript

Tasks: To Do Lists and Kanban helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Organization: Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

To Do List and Project Management apps can help students who struggle with organization because they keep track of all the necessary components of multistep projects and tasks. For example, if the user has a science fair project coming up where they need to work with a partner, there are many subtasks which need to take place to successfully complete this while communicating effectively with another person. Tasks can help with this by allowing the user to create larger projects and then place subtasks beneath it in order to see everything that needs to be completed. The user can even practice their organizational skills by sharing what they have created with their collaborators in order for them to adjust and check off items as well. For users who struggle with organization, starting with one project and a few subtasks can be a way to get used to using an app to help build up this skill. 

Time Management: Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort. 

To Do List and Project management apps such as Tasks can also be a great way for users to work on their time management skills. If the user has a large project they are working on but does not have their information gathered and organized in the same place, they will inevitably spend more time and effort than necessary retracing their steps, searching for information they need, or following up with collaborators multiple times. For users who struggle with making the most of their effort, trying one or two small projects using Tasks can help them realize how much easier projects can be when they are sufficiently organized. 

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