
LQ: 7.8


Brain grade: 7.9
Fun score: 7.6

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 3+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Smurks is a simplistic app designed to help users express thoughts, opinions, and emotions in digital communications using cartoon facial expressions. The app comes preloaded with over 350 unique facial expressions encompassing a wide range of emotions, as well as additional expressions which utilize different props or everyday objects. Users can explore the different expressions by sliding left to right or up and down across the “Smurk’s” face, as well as pinch for additional changes. Once the user is satisfied with a facial expression it can be shared via social networking apps like Facebook and Twitter, or via email and text messaging. Smurks helps users communicate their feelings and emotions in digital communications by displaying exaggerated representations of real facial expressions. This app is extremely easy to use, contains no inappropriate content, and is recommended to any user ages 3 and up.



Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

Smurks1Smurks can help users practice their Self-Awareness thinking skill by providing a medium through which to communicate thoughts and emotions non-verbally. Often when communicating via email, text message, or social networking, it is difficult to understand a user's tone using a limited amount of text and textual clues. Smurks allows users to communicate their current mood through a cartoon image with exaggerated facial expressions. Not only can this app help users who have trouble interpreting facial expressions non-verbal communications, but Smurks can also help users more readily assess their own mood while they work to select an apt representation of their own feelings. In addition, users can judge how friends and family react to different messages based on facial expression and tone. Much of the way individuals respond to messages is based on their perception of how the message was delivered. Smurks can help users infuse emotion and tone into their text-based communications in the digital realm.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Smurks can help users practice adjusting their behavior and tone when communicating with others based on the mood and tone of the message. The same statement or question can have vastly different implications dependent on the its origin, intent, and tone. Smurks can help users to assess each of these in text-based digital communications, as well as adjust their own responses accordingly while indicating their own tone and mood. Users can learn to adapt behavior by learning to properly identify and interpret non-verbal communication. Remaining Flexible in social communication is an essential skill for developing strong personal and professional relationships.


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