Rick’s Math

LQ: 8.4


Brain grade: 9.5
Fun score: 7.3

LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: , , Academic Skills Used:

Rick’s Math is an online resource for mathematics. Whether users need help completing math homework, or studying for a major exam, Rick’s Math offers a slew of relevant material, which can be easily accessed by searching for keywords and using the navigational links at the top of the page. The website offers step-by-step instructions for completing various types of problems, has video-based explanations and models, as well as printable practice sheets for K-12 math topics. Additionally, Rick’s Math provides excellent resources for parents and teachers that can be used to assist children and students with homework, or stud up on a variety of math subjects. Rick’s Math can be a great resource for children to practice self-tutoring, or to help them catch up during a period of absence.

This website is good for kids who need help with:


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks. Sustaining attention on long-term tasks RM4

In order to truly get the most out of online resources like Rick's Math, users need to be self-motivated and determined in order to stick with a lesson and follow through until they fully comprehend the material. This requires goal-directed persistence and task initiation, as users must decide upon what material to tackle, delve into the corresponding lesson plans and then test their knowledge by using the various quizzes and questions provided by the site. By being able to sustain their attention over a long period of time allows users to gain a better understanding and to fully grasp the material, making it more likely that they will retain knowledge be able to apply it in an academic setting.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

As an online resource, Rick's Math requires users to self-motivate, relying on themselves to absorb material and learn without the presence or clear direction of a teacher. This means they'll have to shift their thinking in order to adapt to digital learning. There are a wide variety of lessons available on the site, each of which start with basic fundamentals and build upon that foundation by introducing more complicated concepts and equations. Instead of asking questions or engaging with teacher, users will instead need to reference or revisit the basic text of a lesson, or even search the web for supplemental material.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings. Improving self-assessment and analysis.

RM1 In order to get the most out of Rick's Math, users need to understand their own problem areas. This means knowing which material they have a good grasp and identifying concepts that they struggle with, so that they can create an approach that focuses on areas of issue. By understanding their own deficiencies within a specific area of mathematics, users can create their own personalized lesson plan, choosing which videos to watch, which tools to use and which quizzes to take. This will encourage them to get into the habit of paying attention to their own learning, which in turn gives them a better grasp on what areas they fully understand and which ones they need help studying up on. The end result will be a fuller understanding and better grades come test time.


The best way for students to improve their math skills is to practice, practice, practice. Rick's Math offers an alternative way to study and learn, with a slew of online tools that may be more appealing than traditional text book practice problems. Users can watch videos, see step-by-step diagrams or text instruction, and complete problems online or print them out for practice on paper. The topics covered range from basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, to more complex conceits like fractions, percentages, factoring  statistics geometry and set theory. The vast number of learning resources on the site make it a great supplemental tool for learning a wide range of mathematical concepts.

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