
LQ: 8.7


Brain grade: 8
Fun score: 9.4

ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: , ,

Pandora is a free online radio service that allows users to create customized music stations based on their personal preferences. Users can make an account and create music stations based of of artists, genres or songs, making their favorite kind of music easily accessible from anywhere with internet access. Although Pandora does not allow users to choose specific songs, its main function is the ability to find music related to the user’s preferences. If a track plays that doesn’t fit users’ tastes, it can be skipped or given a “thumbs down” to improve the station and better tailor it to users’ tastes. The app is easy to use, and serves as a great way to discover new song and artists. However, the random nature of the song selection means parents should closely monitor the content filling each station. Due to the ease of use and generally inoffensive content, we recommend the app be used with parental supervision for ages 6 and up.

This app is good for kids who need help with:


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

Pandora's main feature is its ability to create a station based on the specific sound qualities of an artist or song. The programs algorithm not only chooses a song, but explains why the choice was made. Users will encounter descriptions like: "this song was chosen because of mellow rock instrumentation, a subtle use of vocal harmony, intricate melodic phrasing, and minor key tonality." Using a favorite song or artist as a starting point can serve to give users a deeper understanding of what musical characteristics they enjoy, as well as help to expand their musical preferences. Pandora encourages users to critique each song, causing them to tap into their own interests. The more discerning and selective users are, the better each station will be tailored to their preferences.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations. Trying new things.

The features of Pandora allow users to explore and discover new and unfamiliar artists or genres. Users will notice their musical tastes expanding simply through the sheer number of artists included and random nature of the app. Even a staunch classic rock enthusiast would be exposed to newer -- but still comparable -- artists through Pandora, as the app will still play songs slightly outside of the genre that share similar qualities. While some songs will inevitably receive a "thumbs down," the app still promotes an exposure to new, sometimes unfamiliar media. This makes Pandora a good tool engaging users' Flexibility, as keeping an open-minded approach can help users expand the breadth of their musical knowledge and tastes.

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