
LQ: 8.8


Brain grade: 9.4
Fun score: 8.2

Platform/Console: , , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 3+ Thinking Skills Used: , , Academic Skills Used:

The Nook is an e-reader that allows users to search, preview, download, and read digital books. Developed by Barnes & Noble, the Nook offers an expansive online selection of e-books, magazines, news sources, and other digitally-printed material. The Nook comes in different colors, with app versions of the service available for Android and iOS. The Nook has a high resolution, glare-protecting touch screen, perfect for reading indoors as well as outside. The touch screen can be easily used by both younger and older users, while the variety of content that the Nook offers makes it a great reading tool for ages 3 and up.



Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

Reading can help your child explore his literary interests. A virtual book shelf can even prove to be a rudimentary characterization of your child. He can then explore related novels to further his interests. While reading, your child can tune into his feelings, as well as to the and feelings of others. Maybe a character that your child is reading about is reminiscent of a friend. Understanding the reason why characters act in a certain manner can help your child sympathize with his peers. Your child can even have nook friends with whom he can discuss favorite titles, and lend books.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Once your child has established a few suitable Nook friends, he should ask them for book recommendations. Often, outside recommendations will bring your child out of his reading comfort zone. Encourage your child to read recommended books, and comment back to the Nook friend who made the suggestion. Your child will have to adapt to new titles, genres, and reading levels to get the most out of an unfamiliar book. Taking literary risks and keeping an open mind is a great way for your child to develop a variety of adaptive reading strategies.


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks. 

Reading mandates attention to detail, as well as sustained concentration over an extended period of time. Nook's bookshelves presentation can often make it tempting to read multiple books at the same time. In order to fully grasp a text, however, we recommend discourage your child from doing so, ensuring he finishes a text to completion before moving on to the next.  By taking away the distraction of a competing story, your child can completely delve into a book.


Children tend to see reading as a boring activity. The digital age has introduced so much outside stimuli, that the art of reading seems to have been lost. Since the Nook is a piece of technology, your child might be more inclined to use it. The Nook can be a great way to motivate your child to explore reading in a new and exciting manner. The best way to become a better reader, is to read more often.

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