Crayola Scribble Pets

LQ: 8.95


Brain grade: 8.7
Fun score: 9.2

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 3–8 Thinking Skills Used: ,


Crayola Scribble Pets is a pet care simulator where the user can decorate, feed, bathe, and photograph a variety of fantastical creatures. The Scribble Pets are a series of creatures without color-the user simply takes them to the in-app studio and sprays them with the color of their choice. They can then draw a pattern with multiple colors that is layered over the Scribble Pet. Accessories such as flower crowns, tiaras, and hats can also be added for extra decoration. When they want to change their pets, the user simply takes them to the in-app bath and scrubs them clean. 

Other than decorating the Scribble Pets, the user can also feed them by selecting a cookie and a flavor from a list that the pet requests. The user can also bathe the pets when they get dirty and check on their health. Performing these actions adds to a meter at the top of the screen. When this meter fills up, a new Scribble Pet is unlocked for the user to care for. 

Crayola Scribble Pets is a free-to-use app with no ads and no in-app purchases. It is available on Android and iOS.

Crayola Scribble Pets helps kids practice and improve the following skills:


Caring for a pet, even a virtual one, is a great way for young children to practice self-awareness and empathy. The Scribble Pets need more attention after you decorate them. They need to be fed, given baths, and health checkups in order to stay happy. By performing these actions, young children learn how to care for something other than themselves and to see the importance of this skill. As the user unlocks more pets, they need to make sure that they are managing the happiness of all of the creatures in order to unlock even more Scribble Pets. 


Crayola Scribble Pets is a great way for young kids to practice their focusing skills. Each task they need to perform in the app to care for their pets is short and sustained but requires them to focus in order to complete them and fill the new pet meter. Drawing a pattern to place on their pets is another way to practice focusing, as the picture can contain multiple colors and shapes and needs to be completely finished before it can be used to decorate the pet. 

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