Summer Reading Can Be Fun
Some students may view their summer reading assignments as an experience akin to going to the dentist or getting a shot from their pediatrician. It’s hard enough […]
Some students may view their summer reading assignments as an experience akin to going to the dentist or getting a shot from their pediatrician. It’s hard enough […]
Here at LearningWorks for Kids, we review hundreds of educational games for girls and boys alike. While most games aren’t exclusively for one or the other, the truth is that some educational […]
The following case study is an example of the ways that technology can exercise Writing skills. The story itself is a variation of one or more patients I have worked with during […]
Of the two professors I respect the most, Dr. David Elkind (the other being Dr. Ralph Barocas), is the world’s leading expert on the importance of play in children’s lives. […]
Preschoolers and kindergarteners need to play. They need to run around outside, pretend and imagine, play with toys that encourage creativity, and even spend some time playing with screen-based technologies […]
One of the most common themes I hear about in my clinical practice is inconsistent learning. “Jacob knew all of his spelling words when we studied them at home last […]
If you want to improve your aerobic capacity, play full-court basketball instead of softball. If you want to improve your analytical skills learn to play chess or bridge, not Chutes and […]
Can simply playing video games that demand critical thinking help players better apply the use of those skills to real-world scenarios? We’d say no, probably not — at least […]
Lots of great games, apps, and exercises can help your child to improve Working Memory and Math skills at the same time. Games such as Professor Layton […]
Think of all the information you recall and use while reading. Simply by reading this sentence, you are scanning text, decoding meaning and understanding vocabulary. Reading requires us […]
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