Summer may be a time for vacation from school, but it should not be a break from learning. If you want your kids to be ready for the upcoming school year, you need to ensure that they retain what they’ve already learned. But learning in the summer does not mean sitting in a classroom or completing workbooks. Instead, we suggest using education to expand their interests and find engaging outdoor activities or great apps and games that will challenge their brains.
Summer learning is crucial. Children who stop academic pursuits can fall as many as 3 months behind peers who are learning over the summer. Fortunately, there are many compelling tools to keep kids wanting to learn new skills over the summer.
In the summer learning guides below, you’ll find tech-savvy tips and outdoor activities to help make summer learning fun. From taking day trips to museums, to tallying up profits from a yard-sale or going to a movie based off a book you’ve all read, summertime can still be a great opportunity for leaning.
Check out our full learning guide for reading, writing and math below, and be sure to follow our app and game recommendations to give your kids engaging games and apps to use that will keep their brains sharp over the summer months.