
LQ: 8.5


Brain grade: 8.2
Fun score: 8.8

Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: , , Academic Skills Used:

StumbleUpon is a fun website for discovering new things on the internet. Users simply create a free account, and press the “stumble” button that will appear at the top of their web browser. They are then connected with a web resource that could be anything from a photograph of the Taj Mahal, to an article about underwater shipwrecks in the Black Sea. Users can cater their interests on StumbleUpon to create more refined results by using categories, or by rating content with a thumbs up or thumbs down on each website they stumble onto. StumbleUpon also offers special settings to select age restrictions and even a category for children’s resources, making it a great resource for exposing children to new and interesting educational content with the use of parental guidance. Due to the child-specific categories and broad range of multi-media content available, StumbleUpon is recommended to kids ages 7 and up, through parent’s should monitor usage by young children.

this app is good for kids who need help with:


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

unnamedStumbleUpon can connect users to faraway cultures, creative new recipes, and an endless amount of varied multi-media content. It can help users keep and open mind, and become accustomed to being exposed to new content. Rather than instantly hitting the "Stumble" button,  users should go into each resource with the hope of learning something new. The app can help foster and develop new interests, whether that be a passion for art, a fascination with history or exposure to a new hobby users never even knew existed. Even within topics that may be familiar, looking over a random, completely new web resources can show children new aspects and angles of established interest that they may not have considered before. Exploring StumbleUpon with an open mind can lead to some pretty interesting discoveries, so users should avoid always rating unfamiliar content with a thumbs down, as doing so frequently can overly monotonize the experience.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

StumbleUpon allows users to select overarching categories representing their interests, which drives the results that they will see. Users can review these categories and narrow results by selecting things like Books, Science, Travel, Cooking, Nature and more. From there, users can refine the results to fit their interests by using the rating system, and assigning thumbs up or thumbs down ratings to pages that they enjoy or dislike, which will further customize the content that StumbleUpon provides, keeping the experience both relevant and fresh. Through use of the app, children can begin to expand their interests and become an expert in whatever topics they choose to explore.


StumbleUpon links users with interesting article on a wide range of topics, exposing them to more reading material catered directly to their interests. StumbleUpon can provide reluctant readers with relevant articles that they are more likely to want to consume, as the rating system and categorization options allow users to find articles pertaining to certain topics they find engaging. Exploring a chosen topic rather allows users to read subjects that are interesting to them specifically, which can go a long way towards encouraging further reading and expanding comprehension and vocabulary.

To make the most out of StumbleUpon, you'll need to do more than just sign up for an account. Try some of the strategies below, and let us know what works for you in the comment box at the bottom of the page. 

Flexibility Activity

Support your child to practice flexibility by being exposed to other cultures or perspectives and keeping an open mind. For example, your child could follow the Travel category and see different regions around the world. Just because he has never heard of a place or a culture doesn't mean the article is irrelevant and should be ignored; he should try to learn more. As he sees these faraway areas, compare and contrast his own life, with what it must be like to live in those regions, or experience the things he is reading about or looking at. You are trying to instill the point that not everyone comes from the same place, or views the world in the same way, so it is important to understand differences and be considerate. You can apply these concepts similarly with other topics he may be interested in -- different recipes in cooking, or styles of photograph, or sports rules variations.

Self-Awareness Activity

When your child first creates his account, have him think hard about which categories he is most interested in. He must choose at least 5, and at least one of these categories should be something completely new to him. This way, he'll see familiar topics that he knows he'll like, but he'll also be branching out into new territory to discover new interests. Within each category, he will discover new things that he can thumbs up or thumbs down, further catering to his interests and letting him explore all aspects of his curiosities.

Reading Activity

Challenge your child to read new articles each week. StumbleUpon links users to trending articles and materials on the web, which means they are often filled with interesting and new content about the child's chosen interests. He should read at least one article a week, and share it with friends and family by summarizing it, or posting it online where it can be seen by others. This offers a fun way to practice reading, and makes it a part of the regular weekly routine.

StumbleUpon & ADHD

Children with ADHD often have difficulties seeing the importance in maintaining focus on their current task. Hyperactivity and an unwavering quest for outside stimuli often interferes with the attention children with ADHD give to a particular task. While at first glance it may seem like StumbleUpon compounds this problem, it is simply not the case. StumbleUpon allow children to sift through web pages, pictures, and videos that have been arranged to match the interests of children who personalize their StumbleUpon. Every page that is provided has been sorted through StumbleUpon's advanced algorithm, ensuring that viewers will find the page appealing and interesting.

  • unnamedChildren with ADHD should carefully match their search preferences to their interests. Doing so will not only enhance their viewing experience, but will allow them to delve more deeply into content they find relevant in their lives - ultimately increasing self-awareness skills. For example, children interested in sports should be sure to check off " american football" and "sports (general)" upon signing in. Failing to check applicable categories will only cause children move on to another activity.
  • StumbleUpon offers a solution for children with ADHD who struggle to engage in flexible thinking, or seeking out alternative interpretations and understanding of things, places, and ideas. Because the site often links back to blogs, children with ADHD are able to see their interests through the varied interpretations of bloggers, beat writers, photographers, and artists. Children with ADHD will grow as flexible thinkers, as the continue to "stumble" and see their world through the blogs, articles, and pictures of others.
  • Children with ADHD tend to be reluctant readers. Often they will settle on a few chosen books or shorts stories that best that reflect their interests. StumbleUpon will introduce these disinclined readers to new material and web content, carefully chosen to match their preferences. Children with ADHD will become enveloped in the StumbleUpon's content, while becoming more confident and enthusiastic readers.

StumbleUpon is a pretty unique resource, but there are a few similar alternatives below. Let us know which one you prefer in the comment box at the bottom of the page.


While this tool can be used for organizing web resources, it can also be used to discover new resources. Users share their links, and can search by keyword or by featured lists to find relevant and interesting articles, videos, websites, and more. Find out more in our Delicious review.




Diigo is a web tool that allows users to highlight, annotate, and place sticky notes directly on web pages while browsing. Check out our Diigo review for details.



Digg is another great resource for finding random resource on the internet. Users can scroll through pages of featured articles and resources, or submit their own interesting finds. Find out more here.


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