Would you like to have more time to play Minecraft but your parents won’t let you because you need to get your homework done first?
It often feels like if we do everything we have to do, we won’t have time for the things we want to do. But while homework isn’t always as fun as Minecraft (unless you have the best teacher in the world), getting your homework done and out of the way is the best way to make sure you have time for play. (By the way, make sure that your playtime includes much more than Minecraft and has more activities such as exercise, being outside with your friends, and doing things with your family.)
But what if I told you that playing Minecraft can help you find more time for play? You won’t magically gain more time on the clock, but you can learn some skills that make it easier to work on things you have to do so you can have more fun.
You probably use time management skills in Minecraft already. These are the skills that help you decide what you need to do and where to start. Choosing what to do first is called prioritizing. When you work to gather materials to set up a base or home during the day to protect yourself at night, you’re making survival a priority.
That’s what time management is all about: figuring out the most important thing to do at any particular point in time and making it your priority. Take a look at this video about the time management thinking skill.
Early on in a Minecraft game, gathering resources and building a shelter is a priority. Later on, it will be important to start making farms and animal pens to get food consistently. If you can learn to manage your time like this in Minecraft, you have a much better chance to learn how to manage your time when you’re not playing the game.

Surviving and thriving in Minecraft means managing time wisely. Image: Flickr user Wesley Fryer.
To help you understand how Minecraft can improve your skills, check out this Let’s Play about Minecraft and survival.
You can find more Let’s Play videos for Minecraft and lots of other games on the LearningWorks for Kids Let’s Play YouTube channel. You should also read this article about how to convince your parents to let you play more Minecraft.
Featured image: Flickr user Wesley Fryer