How Building Organization Skills Helps Your Child at School and at Home

Help Children Remember Their Morning Routing

Organization is the thinking skill that helps children take a systematic approach to problem solving, and facilitates their ability to obtain important information, make it accessible, and know how to use it for informed decision making. It helps kids understand how to conceptually organize all facets of an activity, create a unified approach, and arrange elements into a functioning whole.

In the home, good organization skills help kids keep their world tidy and accessible. Organization helps kids put their bookbags, clothing, and other materials in a regular place, and helps them to keep track of their commitments, homework, and responsibilities. Kids with good Organization skills always know how to find homework or studying materials, and are able to work systematically on long-term projects, such as essays or book reports. Kids with poor organizational skills may be known for having messy rooms, disorganized backpacks and lockers, and a tendency to lose or misplace their homework before turning it in.

Approaching academics in an organized manner is an essential skill for a variety of science and mathematical concepts, and plays a role across all academic subjects by aiding in a student’s capacity to find, complete, and turn in assignments. Read on for some simple examples of how organization skills impact reading, writing and math:


  • Organizing sequences and connections is crucial for reading comprehension.
  • Organization assists in effectively communicating and retelling what one has read.
  • Taking organized notes about what one has read is essential for studying, retention, test-taking, and writing


  • Organization helps to turn ideas into a coherent essay or report.
  • Organizing one’s notes, research, or materials is an important step before sitting down to start a writing project.
  • Organizational thinking is necessary in order to present written thoughts that are clear and easy to understand.


  • Organization helps kids to sort out and understand the information in word problems.
  • Organization helps in carrying out the steps of solving a multi-step math problem.
  • Clearly organizing one’s notations on paper is a clear, effective way to help with studying.

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