Subtle Causes of Slow Processing Speed in Children

Slow processing speed typically results from brain-based biological features. Simply put, it’s genetic. But there are other causes as well.

Brain-based causes are generally inherited features that contribute to the […]

Is It Possible to Use Technology to Improve Slow Processing Speed in Kids?

Many educators and psychologists don’t think that we can improve slow processing speed in children. But there is mounting evidence that specific types of activities, particularly those involving technology, can […]

How Parents Cause Slow Processing Speed in Kids

Parenting a child with slow processing speed can be frustrating. Particularly in the months (or even years) before a diagnosis, it may seem that you’re dealing with a child who […]

Slow Processing Speed and Working Memory: What’s the Connection?

Kids who have slow processing speed and working memory problems face an uphill battle. These kids, many of whom are diagnosed with ADHD, often have difficulty following directions and getting […]

School-based Accommodations for Kids with Slow Processing Speed

When it comes to helping kids with slow processing speed, teachers are the first line of defense. School is often where kids with slow processing speed start to notice that […]

What’s the Connection between Slow Processing Speed and ADHD?

Slow processing speed is very common in children who are diagnosed with ADHD. You may think of kids with ADHD as naturally quick thinking — “too” quick perhaps — but […]

Does lack of motivation cause slow processing speed?

In my work as a clinical child psychologist I have encountered many parents who believe that their children with learning or processing difficulties are lazy or not working hard enough. […]

Can depression cause slow processing speed?

What does it mean if a child is sluggish, slow to get started on homework and chores, or lacks energy to take on daily routines? Is this depression? Or are […]

The Educator’s Guide to Slow Processing Speed in Children

We’ve been writing a lot for parents about what slow processing speed diagnosis means for their children and what can be done to help kids be as successful as possible […]

The Social and Emotional Impact of Slow Processing Speed

Parental concerns about the impact of slow processing speed typically focus on the impact of their child’s diagnosis on academic performance and home life. However, slow processing speed also has […]