Flexibility: Coping With Change
Star Wars Battlefront
Star Wars Battlefront is essentially a reboot of the 2004 Star Wars: Battlefront. Like its predecessor, the 2015 release is a first- and third-person shooter in which players can play […]
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcaft is a digital strategy game developed by Blizzard, where players fight opponents using spell and minion cards.
LW4K’s Let’s Plays: Flexibility in Mining
Two of the most common dilemmas encountered by Minecraft players are the need to make decisions on the fly and subsequently being able learn from one’s mistakes. Players need to […]
Beyond Games: My Child Won’t Learn From Mistakes
Many of life’s greatest lessons come from trying something, getting it wrong, and then trying something else. But some kids are so afraid of being wrong that they are unable […]
Beyond Games: Why Do 21st Century Kids Like to Cook?
Why do kids like to cook?
During my 30 years of work as a child clinical neuropsychologist I have had the opportunity to help children overcome problems at school, at […]
How Building Flexibility Skills Can Help Children at School and at Home
Did you know that playing video games can lead to peace, happiness and contentment? Well, maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but by building flexibility skills, games and apps can […]
League of Legends
This game helps with Self-Awareness, Flexibility and Self-Awareness and is recommended to players 14+.