Words on Wheels

Words on Wheels helps with Flexibility and Self-Control and ASD, and is recommended to users ages 5-12.

TouchChat HD

TouchChat HD is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) assistive technology tool that can be used by individuals who struggle to communicate verbally.

iPod Touch

The iPod Touch is an Apple device for listening to music and downloading a massive variety of apps from games, to assistive technology solutions.


The AudioBooks apps is a modern-day option for “books on tape” that allows users to access a great collection of free audio books, as well as a selection of premium books that […]


Proloquo2Go is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) assistive technology tool that is most commonly used by non-verbal children with Autism to communicate and express needs.


myHomework is a helpful application that allows your child to record and organize his academic schedule, from classes to specific homework assignments. myHomework does a good job of making this process intuitive, and thus is appropriate for children age six and up (and useful for any student, from elementary school to grad school).


Vlingo is an app that helps with Organization and Planning, is available for Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Mobile devices and is recommended for ages 8 and up.


YouNote! is a personal note taking app that lets users create reminders in the form of text, picture, video, and drawings.


Siri is a voice-activated personal assistant that comes on the iPhone 4S. The app can send text message, set alarms, make appointments, and more.

Dragon Dictation

Dragon Dictation is a speech-to-text technology software that captures spoken speak and turns it into typed text.

Results 21-30 of 30