
LQ: 9


Brain grade: 9.5
Fun score: 8.5

ESRB Rating: N/A LWK Recommended Age: Any Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

WordPress is an online blogging tool that allows users to create and edit a personalized blog using text, images, videos, and more. On WordPress, users can share their thoughts, opinions, and writing in a highly customizable and user-friendly setting. WordPress is recommended for ages eight and up, but parents should of course oversee the use of WordPress and make sure their children understand not to share personal information or other sensitive material.

WordPress can help your children practice Self-Awareness, Flexibility, Reading, and Writing.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

WordPress enables kids to create a personalized online space that reflects their interests and digital creativity. Giving children the chance to explore and reflect upon their interest in writing allows for a deeper understanding of their passions and greater ease in articulating these passions to others.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations. Trying new things.

WordPress offers a comprehensive suite of themes and customization options for the novice blogger, letting your child tailor the appearance of his blog to suit his interests and aesthetic tastes. As these tastes evolve and your child becomes a more sophisticated blogger, he can use WordPress' wide array of customization options to keep pace with his own progress.


As children become more involved in blogging, they become part of a much broader community of bloggers, and they may find other blogs that align with their interests. Helping them to find and follow appropriate blogs can provide a nearly endless stream of reading material.


In essence, blogging is writing; having a blank slate upon which to develop and articulate their thoughts and interests is a phenomenal way to introduce children to writing and digital literacy without exposing them to the pressures of evaluation or a critical audience.

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