Quick Math Jr.

LQ: 9.4


Brain grade: 9.7
Fun score: 9.1

Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 3–6 Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:


Quick Math Jr. is an app for young users to begin to practice their math skills. At the beginning, the user creates a monster of their own that will be used as they move through various math-centric activities. Users learn to place numbers in order, count by groups, add numbers together, count backwards, and select correct answers when provided with prompts. All activities feature the numbers on screen as well as a person reading them out loud as the user clicks on them, providing two different ways to remember the numbers they are using. As the player accomplishes these activities, they earn various eyes, mouths, noses, and costumes that they can use to edit their current monster or create additional ones to join them in future math games. 

Parents can also check on their child’s progress by clicking on the reports tab. It will show the parent which activities the child has completed, the skills practiced, and the Common Core standards addressed in each activity.

Quick Math Jr. is free to download and the first area on the map is free to play. However, to access other areas of the map such as the desert area and the mad scientist lab, purchasing the app is necessary. 

Quick Math Jr.  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Organization: Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task. 

Quick Math Jr. is a great way for young children to begin to develop their organizational skills. In several activities, the user is provided with a group of randomized numbers and needs to place them in the correct order. Sometimes the numbers are counting up and sometimes the user needs to place them counting down. Another activity asks the user to place a certain number of monsters on a bus. Some monsters are holding hands and need to go as a pair. The user needs to organize the monsters so that the correct number of them are on the bus. Even the creation of new monsters allows younger kids to practice with organizing facial features and outfits for the various monsters they are making. 

Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working. 

Math activities are a great way for younger children to practice their working memory skills. The activities in Quick Math Jr. ask the user to keep the task in their head while working with the numbers in real time. The user needs to remember the task they are being asked to accomplish while a voice reads the numbers out loud to them and they can see them on screen. There are activities asking the user to count monsters and then choose the written representation of that number. These types of activities allow younger users to practice keeping information in their head while trying to complete the task at hand. 


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