
LQ: 8


Brain grade: 7.4
Fun score: 8.5

Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Inkflow is a note-taking app for visual thinkers. Using an finger or a stylus, users can write, draw and sketch notes or reminders like they would on a sheet of notebook paper, while the option to include text-boxes allows users to also type out ideas. Inkflow is a great way to take handwritten notes directly to a mobile device. The app offers a variety of virtual pen and pencils, a range of font options and numerous colors, and an unlimited number of pages to create. Users can zoom into to their creations in order to create detail, and organize their pages into “books.” For users who think visually and wish to add vibrancy and sketches to their notes, Inkflow is a great alternative to the average typing-based note-taking app. It can even be helpful in teaching younger children hand-writing skills, allowing them to learn how to print and write in cursive. Due to its various uses for both young learners and older users alike, Inkflow comes recommended for anyone aged 4 and above.

this app is good for kids who need help with:


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task. 

Think of Inkflow as a place to organize related ideas and content. It can be especially helpful in hastening the brainstorming process, as users can upload images, jot ideas, and even sketch pictures on the same page. Perfect for creating themed lists and related collections of ideas, this app helps more visual learners express themselves in a non-linear, free-from approach. Using the app to brainstorm and create word webs, venn diagrams, and other types of graphic organizers enables users to flush out ideas, tap into their creativity and take their notes on-the-go. Creations can be organized by "books," which is the app's manner of separating content, as it groups pages together into user-created categories, making it easy to archive ideas and revisit created content at a later date. For visually-inspired learners, Inkflow is a perfect way to get them more engaged with their assignments, notes and lists.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

29913_Inkflow DrawingInkflow is an inherently flexible app, as it provides an alternative way of viewing the note-taking process. Appealing to learners who have been unsuccessful with traditional note-taking apps like Evernote, Inkflow inspires uses to construct notes visually, instead of typing them out. Users are able to see their notes from a new perspective, and the visual approach makes it perfect for math projects, as users can jot down graphs and theorems, or work out equations by hand. Users must choose the best way to prepare their information, alternating between pictures, text, and sketches. The app itself fosters flexibility, as it offers a new dimension to the brainstorming and outlining process not offered by most other note-taking apps.

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