Crayola Scribble Pets


Crayola Scribble Pets is a pet care simulator where the user can decorate, feed, bathe, and photograph a variety of fantastical creatures. The Scribble Pets are a series of […]

Lessons in Herstory


Lessons in Herstory is an app that is designed to introduce the reader to women who have been traditionally left out of history books and classes. The creators state […]

Forest Home


Forest Home is a maze-like puzzle game where the player needs to guide a group of cute forest critters back to their homes. The player does this by clicking […]



Duo ABC is an ap from the makers of Duolingo that is specifically geared towards helping young children learn their ABC’s. The app asks the parent to select their […]

WWF Together


WWF Together is an app that takes the user on a guided journey through the lives of several different threatened or endangered species of animal. The user clicks on […]

Pokemon Sword and Shield


Pokemon Sword and Shield are Role Playing Games where the player is on a quest to earn eight gym badges and become the number one Pokemon champion. The player […]

Archaeologist: Jurassic Life


Archaeologist: Jurassic Life is an app for young children to start learning about the life of a paleontologist while digging up and putting together their own dinosaur skeletons. The […]

Breathe, Think, Do With Sesame


Breathe, Think, Do With Sesame is a behavioral app designed to help young children regulate their emotions through breathing exercises and planning. The app uses a young Monster to […]



Diem is a journaling app that allows users to keep a digital log of the events of each day of the month for the current year and those past. […]



Inbento is a strategic puzzle game where the player is putting together bento boxes by manipulating pieces of food to match the picture shown in a recipe book. The […]

Results 141-150 of 784