Crayola Scribble Pets


Crayola Scribble Pets is a pet care simulator where the user can decorate, feed, bathe, and photograph a variety of fantastical creatures. The Scribble Pets are a series of […]

Sago Mini World


Sago Mini World is an open-ended storytelling app where children can manipulate various elements of the on-screen environment to explore the world around them. There are various environments that […]

Treasure Hunt-Scavenger Hunt


Treasure Hunt-Scavenger Hunt is a pirate-themed app where the player tries to find various objects that fit a certain theme. The game features several different categories such as Backyard, […]

Thinkrolls Play & Code


Thinkrolls Play & Code is a logic puzzle and pre-coding game geared towards children ages 3-8. The latest game in the Avokiddo series, Play & Code allows your child […]

Heckerty Cook

Heckerty Cook,  a culinary adaptation of the humorously engaging reading app, Meet Heckerty. Heckerty remains a good natured, tough-luck witch who lives with her cat, Zanzibar. Heckerty’s colorful narratives coupled with simple, […]


Curiosityville is an interactive learning website designed specifically for younger children. There are three different learning levels based on age, which children sign into before they begin play. From there, they meet […]

Find The Letters

Find The Letters combines an early reading app with color-by-numbers. Users are presented a grid containing a number of different letters which they must color in with the correctly corresponding color crayon.