LW4K App Spotlight: Smart Tasks

Welcome to LearningWorks for Kids App Spotlight for Parents! In this series, we are highlighting some key apps for children and families and defining the key executive functions that can be strengthened through their use. This video will focus on the task management app Smart Tasks. Click below to watch the video and learn more. The transcript is also provided below for your convenience. A special thanks to our videographer Alexa for her work on this awesome video!


Hello and Welcome to LearningWorks for Kids App Spotlights for Parents! In this series, we will be highlighting some apps that can really help your child’s executive functioning skills. Like what you see? Then be sure to visit us at learningworksforkids.com to read our educational blogs, and game reviews, and learn more about how to create a balanced play diet for your child. 

Today we are going to be talking about the easy to use Task Management app Smart Tasks. This app allows your child to create To Do lists, categorize them into color-specific folders, and assign them dates and times on the app’s calendar. 

To create a folder, the user taps the green plus icon and then types in the name for the folder, such as chores, or extracurricular activities. The user can then choose a color which will represent all tasks within that folder. This way, the user can determine what types of tasks they need to be working on at any given time with just a quick glance. 

When users add tasks inside the category folders, they can then choose a date and time for the activity to take place. By clicking on this date in the calendar, all relevant tasks will appear beneath the date. To complete a task, the user simply touches the circle next to it to “check it off” their to-do list. 

For users who struggle with planning, organization, and time management skills, apps like Smart Tasks are a great tool to practice and build these skills. If your child adds all of their daily tasks to the app and then assigns them dates and times, they will begin to see the whole picture for the week or month ahead and get a better sense for how much time projects will take and how much free time they will have left over. And because this particular app is simple, colorful, and easy to use, it is appropriate for younger children as well. 

The basic features of this app are free but if you want to teach your child to set up routines or recurring tasks, in-app purchases are necessary. But if you are looking for a basic app that can help your child learn to manage their own time, Smart Tasks is a great place to start. 

Well, that’s all the time we have for today. If you’d like to watch more videos like this, go ahead and hit the subscribe button. We publish new content every week so you can learn how to set up your child’s play diet. To learn more visit learningworksforkids.com 




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