
LQ: 8.8


Brain grade: 9.5
Fun score: 8.1

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:


Photomath is an app that is designed to assist with math problems by providing the answer and then walking the user through the solving process step by step. The app uses the device’s camera to scan any printed problem. 

There is also a tab where most popular math textbooks can be located and problems and solutions from these can be found along with additional information on how to solve the problem. 

Photomath also has a built-in calculator where you can type in your own math problems and walk through the solving process.

Photomath is a free-to-download app but certain functions such as graphing explanations or certain problem breakdowns require in-app purchases. Photomath is now available for the Android and iOS systems. 

Photomath helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working.

Oftentimes math problems require knowledge of formulas and step-by-step processes to get a correct answer. For children who struggle with Working Memory, holding this information in their head while completing various math tasks can be very tricky. Problem-solving apps like Photomath can help bridge the gap between memorizing these formulas and constantly referring back to the textbook. This app can explain the answer to the user as well as the steps that were taken to obtain the answer. This can help reinforce these concepts and eventually lead to the user remembering the formula or the process on their own. 

Organization: Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

Math is a systematic process which means that the solver needs to know the order in which the problem needs to be solved. Photomath can assist with this type of organization because it walks the user through the solving process step by step. The user can then see how they need to keep track of the different steps to problem solving and make sure that they perform them in the correct order. For users who struggle with organization, Photomath can be a good way to practice this skill for math problems in particular. 

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