If you have a child or student who has been recently diagnosed with slow processing speed, it is extremely important to help them understand what this means. And if you want to teach a child about something in the 21st-century, one of the best tools is an informative and entertaining video. That’s why we’ve searched for some of the best videos to explain slow processing speed to kids.
It’s an unfortunate fact that many children and teens with slow processing speed feel it is a sign of inadequacy and a lack of intelligence. While slow processing speed can affect how efficiently kids learn, many affected by the disorder simply need more time to use their other cognitive resources effectively. When these children understand that they are not alone — that there are other smart kids like them who just need extra time — they can begin to change how they feel about themselves and about school in general.
Slow processing speed is a complex topic and even the experts — psychologists, neuroscientists, and neurologists — do not fully understand the causes and mechanisms of slow processing speed in children. We do know that slow processing speed is biological in nature, and may even be hereditary.
We also know how important it is to understand the ways slow processing speed impacts learning and working so that it can be accommodated. Helping a child improve processing speed and recognize when they might need to ask for extra time and assistance can change their attitude about school and help them put forth the effort necessary to overcome slow processing speed.
Our team at LearningWorks for Kids has rounded up a list of videos that can help kids understand slow processing speed better and compensate for this difficulty.
If you find videos are your favorite tool for learning, too, we’ve included a list of videos for parents and teachers who want to understand slow processing speed better.
For Kids and Teens
What is a Slow Processing Speed & How it Can Affect Students – An engaging video that sheds some light on how slow processing speed can be observed in students in a classroom. Great for adults, teens, and older children, too.
Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up: Clay Center – A great video that follows three students affected by slow processing speed and explains how they get along in the classroom and the challenges they face. Great for children and teens to watch with their parents.
Slow Processing Speed – A very casual video of a mom and daugher discussing slow processing speed and how it affects learning. Great to watch with your child to spark a conversation!
Super Slow Mental Processing: A brief, casual, visual look at slow processing, explained by someone as they draw out the pictures. A basic but effective way to introduce slow processing to your child.
For Adults (so they can understand and explain more to their children and students)
Your Brain Sucks at Video Games : This video describes the relationship between brain processing and video games. For adults and teens.
Processing Speed: Activities to Improve: An informational webinar that explains three detailed activities to help improve processing speed.
Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up: An in-depth examination of processing speed and how it can affect kids’ learning from an expert in the field, Ellen Braaten. Great for adults to watch with their teens. Great for teachers as well.
Understanding Children with Learning and Behavioral Challenges: Another great video from expert Ellen Braaten. Informative and interesting, a great video for parents and teachers to watch and understand how processing speeds might affect children in the classroom.
Webinar: Processing Speed and the Brain: Produced by Understood.org. Excellent, but lengthy, webinar to learn about many aspects of processing speed issues
Featured image: Flickr user Joel Bombardier
I think you guys might wanna remove the video “super slow mental processing”, it’s some conspiracy theory video; the guy seems to be saying that aliens or sinister agents of some sort are attacking his brain to slow down his cognition. Listen until the very end. He says he’s being “targeted”
This one “ Super Slow Mental Processing: A brief, casual, visual look at slow processing, explained by someone as they draw out the pictures. A basic but effective way to introduce slow processing to your child”
Thank you so much for pointing this out. I will remove the link to this video immediately as it contains outright mentions to conspiracy theories and does not align with our beliefs here at LearningWorks for Kids.