Watch Ryan Play Overwatch

Play Overwatch and use major thinking skillsIf there’s a sleeper video game hit of the summer, it has to be Overwatch. If you follow gaming news like we do, Overwatch is all over your social media feeds. Or you may be thankful that you only get your gaming news from your kid, in which case you have probably still heard about it. Anyway. The competitive multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS) has hooked players of all ages, including our very own Ryan Smith, host of the LearningWorks for Kids Let’s Play YouTube channel.

If you’re wondering what could possibly be educational about an online multiplayer FPS, Ryan is here to show you. (He’s also here to give your kids something a bit more wholesome to watch on YouTube.) Ryan gives us a look at gameplay and tells us why flexibility is a major thinking skill used to play Overwatch.

We publish let’s play videos like this one regularly, so tune in and subscribe!

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