
LQ: 9.3


Brain grade: 9.8
Fun score: 8.8

Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 5+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

SmartTutor is an online resource for users to refine their math and reading skills. Content featured on SmartTutor’s site has been carefully researched to ensure its effectiveness, and is aligned to coincide with the common core curriculum. Users who sign up create both a parent account and a child account. The parent account includes a set of reports that monitor the child’s performance by sub-skill. Although primarily designed for teaching reading and math skills to children from kindergarten to grade 5, all users can benefit from reinforcement of foundational skills. After signing up, users must indicate whether they wish to study mathematics or reading, and are then presented with a 30 to 45 minute test, which accurately pinpoints the skills that need most practice. Once the test is completed, users are given a series of interactive assignments tailored to their grade level and educational needs. SmartTutor covers a range of learning levels, and is recommended to children ages 5 and older. It is a visually stimulating way of engaging and testing young learners, but parents may need to aid their children in navigating the service.

this app is good for kids who need help with:


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

SmartTutor presents its users with the opportunity to track their progress. Monitoring the pace in which new content is learned is an important skill for any developing academic to have. While the culminating reports tend to be more for parents to review, it is important for users to know how quickly they are progressing and acquiring new sets of learning skills. The website directly targets the weaknesses of its users by incorporating information from their assessments into the algorithm that SmartTutor uses to choose the topics for new lessons and activities. The activities and quizzes that users are given after the assessment allow them to understand their strengths and tackle the academic weaknesses that the report revealed.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Because SmartTutor exposes users to learning in a completely digital format, users will use adaptive thinking to adjust to the nature of their learning to accommodate the online medium. The service may be unfamiliar at first when compared to traditional classroom-based learning, but over time users can gain familiarity and should learn to embrace the unique twist on learning that the site offers. SmartTutor's content consists of interactive activities and quizzes, with short games tastefully inserted throughout. Users will be using a variety of adaptive thinking strategies to shift between the often varied nature of activities, quizzes, and games, helping them to stay engaged and active in the learning process.


Picture 12The robust math section helps users practice a variety of early grade-level topics. Depending on their strengths and weaknesses, users will likely encounter subjects like numbers and operations, algebra, data analysis, geometry, and measurement. Each lesson has several components: a tutorial, practice, and a quiz. The more difficult a subject is, the more components the lesson will have. Lessons with up to 7 components can take some time to finish, and it is recommended that users pause from time to time and move on to another activity or game in order to avoid over-saturation. SmartTutor uses a varied mix of videos, reading material, and interactive assignments which can help keep users absorbed in the learning process -- something not always easy when dealing with math.


While the initial reading assessment is quite lengthy, it is well worth the time, as users will be able to gauge their reading levels and find out where they need help most. The site breaks reading into a series of different categories: phonics, phonemic awareness, sight words, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Referred to by SmartTutor as "Reading's Big 5," these categories are directly targeted, among others, by the website's carefully crafted literary activities.

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