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Get Your Game or App on LearningWorks for Kids

LearningWorks for Kids only chooses the best games and apps to review and recommend to our audience.

Getting your game or app on LearningWorks for Kids means a ton of great exposure to thousands of of parents, educators, and clinicians who are actively seeking out new technologies for learning.  

Just fill out the form below to have your game or app considered for review. If we decide to use it, someone from our staff will get in touch to let you know.

Developer App and Game Submissions

Do you have an app or game that you'd like to see on LearningWorks for Kids? Tell us about it here!

  • Max. file size: 100 MB.
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As the founder of LearningWorks for Kids, Randy and his team consistently give well-balanced views on tech for kids and families in a modern world.

-Cynthia Crossley, Better Family Habits

LearningWorks for Kids is great. They make it so easy to find educational games and apps, and my daughter loves their online games!

-Michelle Nichols, Parent

[LearningWorks for Kids] is a great website for parents. It takes a profile of your child, and advises you of the best video games for your child. It also provides a plan to get the most from those video games.

-Crista Hopp, Creative Pathways

The parental involvement suggestions were probably my favorite aspect of the entire site…. LearningWorks for Kids is a great tool for parents of younger kids looking for educational games that help with learning challenges.

-Keezy Young, Pixelkin