Building Self Control with Fortnite: Monster Maze
In this workshop, our expert Gamer Guides lead kids through fun Fortnite activities to improve their self control skills.
Today’s Activity: Monster Maze
Welcome to Building Skills with Fortnite. This will be an online hour session where your child will play Fortnite with the focus of learning thinking skills & Executive Functions they can use in their everyday life! This session will be on the skill Self Control, with some hints of Self Awareness and flexibility in there as well.
Your child will join our Learning Works For Kids Discord at the appropriate time of your session and will team up with our trained Gamer-Guides. After introducing themselves, the Gamer-Guides and participants will hop into some Fortnite Gameplay!
As far as the actual Gameplay goes we will team up together in a creative hub created by the Learningworks Gamer Guides. Throughout the session we will exercise a couple of fun activities that practice your child’s Self Control skills including Monster Hunting and Maze events we’ve built before hand.
After every round completed we will reflect on how we could have done better, how self control and self awareness is a key to success. As well as how they can relate these skills they are using in there everyday life with examples.
Our goal is to learn a little something they can take with them into the everyday world with the mindset of having fun, working as a team and playing a game they enjoy while building life skills.
For more information about self control, visit the Self Control Page at LearningWorks for Kids.
Have more Questions feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Workshop Schedule
To join the live session, simply select the appropriate date and time below, then click on the Join Live Session button. If this is your child’s first Fortnite session, please make sure to view and follow our setup instructions.
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Workshop Activities
The LW4K method to using video games as teaching tools relies on strategic teaching principles and our approach of “Detect, Reflect, and Connect.” The purpose of the Detect, Reflect, and Connect steps is to mold the child into an active learner who becomes aware of, engaged in, and contemplative of what she is learning. These steps can enhance motivation and concentration. They also assist in extending learning beyond a particular game or technology and connecting it to the real world.
Before we start adventuring through the monster mazes the Learningworks For Kids gamer guides will make it clear that today’s session is about Self Control. As we prepare for the first round and load up we will talk about how self control is used in Fortnite and how we will have to help one another and work as a team to succeed.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Reflect” list_icon=”Defaults-wechat weixin”]Reflect or consider how the thinking skills used during gameplay helps them to achieve their goals.
After each round we will reflect on how we did, how well we stuck together, how well we controlled our emotions in tough situations and how we can improve for the next round. The Gamer Guides will then guide the explorers through more tasks with the common theme of looking back every checkpoint and progressing forward.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Connect” list_icon=”Defaults-refresh”]Connect or apply game-based thinking skills to real-world activities.
Through out the session we will relate the Self Control your child is using in Fortnite with tasks they must overcome on a daily basis. For example, talking about how Self Control in the Fortnite Maze is not too different then staying calm and being able to wait in line at a store, and explaining why it is important to practice this skill for tasks in their life to come.[/info_list_item][/info_list]
Follow-Up Activities
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-check” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#1e73be” title=”Activity #1″ pos=”left” title_font=”font_family:PT Sans|font_call:PT+Sans” title_font_size=”desktop:20px;”]Keep your child thinking! Next time your child plays Fortnite ask them what skills they learned when playing with us! If they are cooperative they will answer with Self Control, or maybe Self Awareness or flexibility! If they need some help don’t be afraid to refresh their memory and keep thinking about these skills as they play!Next try and relate these skills to everyday real life outside of Video Games! For an example “How did you use Self Control at school today? What was something that frustrated you that you overcame? How did you overcome it?” Just anything to help remind your child of the skills they are practicing and help build them.
If you need a full list of our Learningworks For Kids Skills click below!
As well we recommend you check out our website and try a new game off of our game list under a skill category your child struggles with![/bsf-info-box]