Building Organization with Minecraft - Haunted Mansion Build!
In this workshop, our expert Gamer Guides lead kids through fun Minecraft activities to improve their organizational skills.
Today’s Activity: Haunted Mansion Build
Through out this session we will relate the organization your child is using in minecraft with tasks they must overcome on a daily basis. For example, talking about how organizing their minecraft mansion is not too different then organizing their bedroom, and explaining why it is important to practice this skill for tasks in their life to come.
Once the brains are going and we are all familiar with one another we will take it to the building area set up by the Learning Works For Kids Gamer Guides!
For today’s session each student will build their own haunted mansion in which organization of it is the main focus. Each child will have their own area to build and items provided for them.
We will start by giving each child stone blocks and asking them to design the basic layout of their mansion that makes the most sense to them. As we go on we will provide items to full the haunted mansion and talk about why they placed the items where they did and relate that to organizing layouts in their everyday life.
We will wrap up by taking a tour of everyone’s haunted mansion and talking about things they can do for homework to practice organization on their own.
For more information about Organization, visit the Organization Page at LearningWorks for Kids.
Have more Questions feel free to contact us at [email protected]

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Workshop Activities
The LW4K method to using video games as teaching tools relies on strategic teaching principles and our approach of “Detect, Reflect, and Connect.” The purpose of the Detect, Reflect, and Connect steps is to mold the child into an active learner who becomes aware of, engaged in, and contemplative of what she is learning. These steps can enhance motivation and concentration. They also assist in extending learning beyond a particular game or technology and connecting it to the real world.
Before we start building the Learningworks For Kids gamer guides will make it clear that today’s session is about Organization. As we give out the basic materials we will talk about how organization is used in minecraft and start to ask how they plan to organize the layout of their mansion.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Reflect” list_icon=”Defaults-wechat weixin”]Reflect or consider how the thinking skills used during gameplay helps them to achieve their goals.
Once the layout for their home is built we will reflect back on the blocks placed and talk about how thinking ahead and organizing the layout of their mansion will result in a better end result. The Gamer Guides will then give items to fill these rooms and ask the participants where they will organize each item and why. Then reflect back on those choices as well.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Connect” list_icon=”Defaults-refresh”]Connect or apply game-based thinking skills to real-world activities.
Through out the session we will relate the organization your child is using in minecraft with tasks they must overcome on a daily basis. For example, talking about how organizing their minecraft mansion is not too different then organizing their bedroom, and explaining why it is important to practice this skill for tasks in their life to come.[/info_list_item][/info_list]
Follow-Up Activities
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-check” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#1e73be” title=”Activity #1″ pos=”left” title_font=”font_family:PT Sans|font_call:PT+Sans” title_font_size=”desktop:20px;”]Watch This – Organization Building Game!
Watch this Learning Works For Kids Let’s Play video about Organization in Portal Knights:
Talk to your child about how organizing (their room, backpack, locker) is the same thing as organizing homes and builds in minecraft.[/bsf-info-box][bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-check” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#1e73be” title=”Activity #2″ pos=”left” title_font=”font_family:PT Sans|font_call:PT+Sans” title_font_size=”desktop:20px;”]
Play Together – Survival Mode solo/team
Organizing in Minecraft has always been a major factor in keeping track of materials and items. Have your child open their old survival game and ask them how they have their home layout organized. Where are the chests? where are the furnaces? If they don’t have a Survival mode home already create one with them and talk about the layout and how it makes sense to them as they are building it.[/bsf-info-box]