Building Focus with Minecraft – Buildathon!

Building Focus with Minecraft - Buildathon!

In this workshop, our expert Gamer Guides lead kids through fun Minecraft activities to improve their focus skills.

Today’s Activity: Focus on Building!

This is a live minecraft course filled with activities set up by learning works for kids to have fun and help practice your child’s focus skill! We will be playing minecraft together for an hour and relating the skills they are using in the game to situations and scenarios they use  in their everyday life!

We will start by introducing what focus is, asking some questions to the participants and getting the brain rolling!

In today’s session your child’s ability to keep attention will be tested as they are put through a Minecraft Build-a-thon! They will have to complete building the same structure as other students and keep attention as they have a limited time!

They will also learn how to work as a team and spread duties among each other as they focus on a collaborative build with the choice of a village or a castle.

While going through these tasks the main focus will be on focus itself! Paying attention and learning from their mistakes! We will reflect after each challenge and discuss their ability to keep attention.

For more information about Focus, visit the Focus Page at LearningWorks for Kids.

Have more Questions feel free to contact us at

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Workshop Schedule

To join the live session, simply select the appropriate date and time below, then click on the Join Live Session button.  If this is your child’s first Minecraft session, please make sure to view and follow our setup instructions.

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Workshop Activities

The LW4K method to using video games as teaching tools relies on strategic teaching principles and our approach of “Detect, Reflect, and Connect.” The purpose of the Detect, Reflect, and Connect steps is to mold the child into an active learner who becomes aware of, engaged in, and contemplative of what she is learning. These steps can enhance motivation and concentration. They also assist in extending learning beyond a particular game or technology and connecting it to the real world.

[info_list font_size_icon=”24″ eg_br_width=”1″][info_list_item list_title=”Detect” list_icon=”Defaults-search”]Detect or identify when and where they are using thinking skills in video game play.

Before we start building the Learningworks For Kids gamer guides will make it clear that today’s session is about focus. As we give out the basic materials we will talk about how focus is used in minecraft and start to ask what they plan to focus their time on within their house build.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Reflect” list_icon=”Defaults-wechat weixin”]Reflect or consider how the thinking skills used during gameplay helps them to achieve their goals.

Once their homes are built we will reflect back on the blocks placed and talk about keeping attention the entire time will end in a better build since they have a limited amount of time. The Gamer Guides will then guid them to the teamwork build where they will have to focus as a team to work together. Then reflect back on that build as well.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Connect” list_icon=”Defaults-refresh”]Connect or apply game-based thinking skills to real-world activities.

Through out the session we will relate the focus your child is using in minecraft with tasks they must overcome on a daily basis. For example, talking about how focusing on their minecraft homes are not too different then focusing on completing their homework, and explaining why it is important to practice this skill for tasks in their life to come.[/info_list_item][/info_list]

Follow-Up Activities

[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-check” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#1e73be” title=”Activity #1″ pos=”left” title_font=”font_family:PT Sans|font_call:PT+Sans” title_font_size=”desktop:20px;”]

Play Together – Take this session to home and switch it up!

Did your child decide to build the Castle or the Village?  Build the opposite one with them! Have them make a plan to what is needed in such, focus on delegating tasks between you and your child. Then make sure they are staying on task and focusing on those tasks! Want to switch it up more? try it in Survival mode with them! This will make them have to focus on things like Daylight, Monsters and food as well while trying to accomplish their goal.[/bsf-info-box][bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-check” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#1e73be” title=”Activity #2″ pos=”left” title_font=”font_family:PT Sans|font_call:PT+Sans” title_font_size=”desktop:20px;”]

Let’s Play Video – Focus in Minecraft

Watch this Let’s Play video about Focus in Minecraft:

Talk to your child about how focusing (e.g. to finish homework or chores) is the same thing as making their focusing on building in Minecraft.
Watch and play with your child, asking them how they’ve focused on their current  build or task.[/bsf-info-box]