Building Flexibility with League of Legends
In this workshop, our expert Gamer Guides lead kids through fun League of Legends activities to improve their Flexibility skills.
Today’s Activity: All Random Battle of Flexibility
Through out this session we will relate the Flexibility your child is using in League of Legends with tasks they must overcome on a daily basis. For example, talking about how being flexible and trying a new character is not too different then trying a new activity after school, and explaining why it is important to practice this skill for tasks in their life to come.
Once the brains are going and we are all familiar with one another we will take it to the Custom Game arena where student will face off with other students in a series of games on the howling abyss playing the all random all mid game mode. For an hour long session together.
For today’s session each student we will be teaming up with the LearningWorks Gamer Guides and playing the 5v5 all random game mode with and against other students in the class while staying flexible and trying out new champions being the main goal for each team.
We will start with a warm up round and talk about each players favorite type of champion and roll and figure out how we can use this knowledge tostep outside of their comfort zone be flexible and comfortable with trying something new. Throughout and after each round we will reflect on how we did and what we could do better for the next round.
We will wrap up by talking about things they can do for homework how to practice flexible on their own in video games and everyday life at home.
For more information about Flexibility, visit the Flexibility page at LearningWorks For Kids.
Have more Questions feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Workshop Schedule
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Workshop Activities
The LW4K method to using video games as teaching tools relies on strategic teaching principles and our approach of “Detect, Reflect, and Connect.” The purpose of the Detect, Reflect, and Connect steps is to mold the child into an active learner who becomes aware of, engaged in, and contemplative of what she is learning. These steps can enhance motivation and concentration. They also assist in extending learning beyond a particular game or technology and connecting it to the real world.
Before we start playing the Learningworks For Kids gamer guides will make it clear that today’s session is about Flexibility. As we warm up we will talk about how flexibility is used in League of Legends and how we will use it in today’s game play.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Reflect” list_icon=”Defaults-wechat weixin”]Reflect or consider how the thinking skills used during gameplay helps them to achieve their goals.
After a each round of Summoners Rift will reflect back and talk about how being flexible and trying new characters and items will open new doors they may have always avoided. The Gamer Guides will guide them through another match using this knowledge to help move forward trying new things once again.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Connect” list_icon=”Defaults-refresh”]Connect or apply game-based thinking skills to real-world activities.
Through out the session we will relate the focus your child is using in League of Legends with tasks they must overcome on a daily basis. For example, talking about how being flexible on trying a new type of champion is not too different then be flexible and trying out new activity after school, and explaining why it is important to practice this skill for tasks in their life to come.[/info_list_item][/info_list]
Follow-Up Activities
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-check” icon_size=”32″ icon_color=”#1e73be” title=”Activity #1″ pos=”left” title_font=”font_family:PT Sans|font_call:PT+Sans” title_font_size=”desktop:20px;”]Keep your child thinking! Next time your child plays League Of Legends ask them what skills they learned when playing with us! If they are cooperative they will answer with Flexibility, or maybe Working memory or focus! If they need some help don’t be afraid to refresh their memory and keep thinking about these skills as they play!Next try and relate these skills to everyday real life outside of Video Games! For an example “How did you use Flexibility at school today? What do you want to try that is new to you tomorrow at school?” Just anything to help remind your child of the skills they are practicing and help build them.
If you need a full list of our Learningworks For Kids Skills click below!
As well we recommend you check out our website and try a new game off of our game list under a skill category your child struggles with![/bsf-info-box]