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Explore Courses and Workshops
Browse our upcoming executive-function-training courses and workshops.
Find Great Games and Apps
Find great games and apps to help your students improve thinking skills and manage learning challenges.
Create a Learning Profile
Create a learning profile for a student to receive customized recommendations for games, apps, and more.
Browse Our Learning Resources
Find out more about Executive Functions, Cognitive Thinking Skills, Learning Challenges, and more.
Finding Games and Apps
There are two ways to find Games and Apps on LearningWorks for Kids
Learning Profile
Create a learning profile for a child to receive customized recommendations for games, apps, and more.
Search the Library
Search by skill, age, platform, or learning challenge to find great games and apps for any child’s learning needs.
Browse Classroom Guides
Browse though available Classroom Guides by selecting a thinking skill.
Learning Resources
Check out all of our great resources to learn about Executive Functions, Thinking Skills, Learning Challenges and more!