Play Now: Cargo Bridge

Cargo-BridgeTitle: Cargo Bridge

Game Type:Educational, Puzzle

LWK Recommended Age: 6+

Thinking Skills Used: Organization, Planning, Self-Awareness





This game is good for kids who need help with:

  • Planning
  • Organization
  • Self-Awareness





Organization is the Thinking Skill that helps you to:

  • Put things in the proper order.
  • Take care of your daily schedule.
  • Find your stuff.
  • Get the things needed to complete a task before starting it.


Planning is the Thinking Skill that helps you to:

  • Think about something before doing it.
  • Make a set of plans to reach a goal.
  • Complete a long-term project on time.
  • Do things step-by-step.


Self Awareness is the Thinking Skill that helps you to:

  • Think about your own thinking.
  • Care about what other people think and feel.
  • Know why you chose something.
  • Check over your work and your choices.