ADHD in the Classroom: Real Strategies for Teachers
Few teachers are without a student diagnosed with ADHD in their classrooms. The latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that approximately 11% of children […]
Executive Functioning Problems: Difficulties with critical thinking, or self-regulatory skills that help prioritize and orchestrate an individual’s thoughts and behaviors.
Few teachers are without a student diagnosed with ADHD in their classrooms. The latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest that approximately 11% of children […]
Dr. Randy Kulman, president of Learningworks for Kids, was recently asked to give a pre-conference presentation at the CHADD Annual International Conference on ADHD. The workshop–directed to clinicians, educators and […]
Teachers may have the best perspective in identifying kids with ADHD. Even more than parents and psychologists, experienced teachers are able to spot ADHD students among their typically functioning peers. […]
Consider the definition of frustration: the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of an inability to change or achieve something; an event or circumstance that causes one to […]
Certain stereotypes surround extreme athletes. But kids who enjoy skateboarding, snowboarding, and surfing are practicing major executive functions that actually grow their brains and make them calmer, better thinkers. Skateboarding, […]
Imagine you are the parent of an elementary or middle school student who has been struggling in school for years. They have difficulty completing homework in a timely fashion, following […]
We’ve been writing a lot for parents about what a slow processing speed diagnosis means for their children and what can be done to help kids be as successful as […]
In a recent New York Times article entitled “Laptops Are Great. But Not During a Lecture or a Meeting”, Susan Dynarski describes how using laptops during lectures interferes with learning. […]
Some kids move fast, and others move slowly. If you are one of those kids who moves slowly, you might have what psychologists call slow processing speed. If you are […]
Kids with slow processing speed and executive functioning difficulties are often characterized as lazy or unmotivated, but they are not! They may be frustrated, resigned to failure, or overwhelmed, but […]
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