
Proloquo2Go is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) assistive technology tool that is most commonly used by non-verbal children with Autism to communicate and express needs.

Rock Band

This Music game helps with Focus and Working Memory, and is recommended for kids ages 7+.

Moon Chaser

This action game helps with Working Memory and Flexibility, and is recommended for kids 6 and up.


This role-playing game helps with Planning and Flexibility, and is recommended to players ages 7+.


myHomework is a helpful application that allows your child to record and organize his academic schedule, from classes to specific homework assignments. myHomework does a good job of making this process intuitive, and thus is appropriate for children age six and up (and useful for any student, from elementary school to grad school).

Forest Battle

This action game helps with Planning and Working Memory, and is recommended for kids ages 6+.

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