Thank you for attending our Webinar with ADDitude Magazine!
Below you’ll find links to more information on some of the topics we discussed in the webinar.
Announcing: LearningWorks Live!
Small-Group Live Online Executive Function Training for Kids
With LW4K Live, our talented, dedicated teachers will help your child...
[ultimate_icon_list icon_size=”20″ icon_margin=”10″][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-star” icon_color=”#ffffff” content_font_family=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat” content_font_size=”desktop:21px;” content_font_color=”#ffffff”]Improve Executive Functioning Skills[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-star” icon_color=”#ffffff” content_font_family=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat” content_font_size=”desktop:21px;” content_font_color=”#ffffff”]Learn Strategies for Coping with ADHD[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-star” icon_color=”#ffffff” content_font_family=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat” content_font_size=”desktop:21px;” content_font_color=”#ffffff”]Find and Use Helpful Apps for School[/ultimate_icon_list_item][ultimate_icon_list_item icon=”Defaults-star” icon_color=”#ffffff” content_font_family=”font_family:Montserrat|font_call:Montserrat” content_font_size=”desktop:21px;” content_font_color=”#ffffff”]Play and Learn from Educational Games[/ultimate_icon_list_item][/ultimate_icon_list]
LW4K Live also includes our groundbreaking program: Building Skills With Minecraft: Small group Minecraft sessions where kids play along with our Gamer Guides to learn about Executive Functions in a custom LW4K Minecraft world!
Enter Your Email for a Free Session!
ADDitude Webinar guests will receive a coupon code for one free!
Improving Processing Speed with Tech
Many educators and psychologists don’t think that we can improve slow processing speed in children. But there is mounting evidence that specific types of activities, particularly those involving technology, can improve certain types of processing speed in kids.

Video Games and Processing Speed
Our team at LearningWorks for Kids is exploring how games and apps that support and promote skills such as time management, visual spatial processing, and working memory can improve processing speed.

ADHD and Dictation
Should kids with certain learning disabilities learn dictation skills ? Children diagnosed with ADHD are five times more likely to have a written language disorder than children without ADHD. Specific difficulties in writing seen in children with ADHD…

Beyond Games: Organizing School and Homework
How improving organization can make homework more productive and a learning experience. The importance of organizational skills for having time to play and get school work done.

Time Management: When Working Hard Isn’t Enough
Addressing homework and academic concerns due to slow processing speed and time management difficulties. Practical strategies that recognize how slow processing is often seen in children with ADHD.

Finish Your Homework! 15 Tips for ADHD Students
Great ideas from Chris Dendy, M.S, who combines home and classroom strategies with executive skills for homework completion.

11 Best Homework and Study Apps
An excellent list of apps that can support homework completion and make homework a better experience for learning.

A Monster Ate My Homework
A cute LW4K video on a fun game that uses the skill of “Planning” to destroy monsters and maybe even teach your child planning skills to complete homework. You can also use activities from our “A Monster Ate my Homework” playbook to teach other skills.

Apps for Homework
A listing of great apps that can improve homework completion. Learn how to help a child use apps such as Notability, myHomework, and iTunes to make homework more fun and efficient.

How digital media appeals to kids with ADHD
Learn about how video games and apps can teach kids with ADHD and the cautions you need to take.

How digital media appeals to kids with ASD
Learn about how video games and apps can teach kids with ASD and the cautions you need to take.

Why Is Minecraft So Appealing to Children With ADHD?
UA series of interviews of kids with ADHD that describe the compelling nature of Minecraft.

Introducing LW4K’s Let’s Play Minecraft Videos
Check out LearningWorks for Kids Minecraft videos that transform Minecraft into an opportunity for learning executive functioning skills.

How Minecraft Practices Executive Functioning Skills
Learn about how to get your child to learn skills such as planning, organization, and flexibility in their Minecraft play. Specific projects that you can do with your child.
All Premium Members get complete access to all of these amazing features.
Kids Pages
With Kids Pages, each child on your account will get their own unique profile page, filled with customized content for kids, personally selected to address each child’s unique learning needs.
Play Now Games
Your premium membership comes with complete access to our constantly growing library of Play Now Games, which let your child play great learning games right here on LW4K.

Thinking Skills Assessments
All premium members have access to our complete Thinking and Academic Skills Assessment, which determines your child’s unique cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
Premium Members are given all of our Play Prescriptions, the in-depth, step-by-step guides that show you how to improve critical thinking and academic skills with games and technology.