IXL Math

LQ: 8.8


Brain grade: 9.6
Fun score: 8

IXL Math
Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

IXL Math is a website where users can practice math problems at nearly every grade level. Questions are administered one at a time, in a fun and interactive environment. Users are notified if they are right or wrong immediately after submitting an answer. The site is as applicable for children in preschool as it is for middle school aged students, and IXL Math is currently being updated to feature higher level content like Algebra and Trigonometry. There is a myriad of content, ordered like a textbook, making it easy for users to scaffold their learning. The featured questions are generated to mesh with common core standards across all fifty states. Also available is the opportunity to sign up for a membership, allowing users to track their progress, and identify areas in which they need further study. IXL Math is suitable for children aged 4 and older, with content that parents and teachers alike will find helpful for homework and learning.


IXL Math andFlexibility

Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

IXL Math

IXL Math allows users to practice classroom math in a non-traditional environment. Users will have to adapt their problem solving strategies to mesh with the demands of a digital setting. With immediate feedback, users will have the ability to analyze what led to an incorrect response, make adjustments, and solve the problem correctly. Users will be challenged to try to solve the problems mentally -- without supplemental materials -- for additional difficulty.  For lower level questions, or as a way to stimulate the mind, users should try to complete questions without a pencil and paper. Of course, if a paper and pencil are handy, users are encouraged to take their time to when solving problems.

IXL Math and Working Memory

Recalling and retaining information in her mind while working.

Users are tasked to exercise their working memory when using IXL Math. The site is best used as a method for reinforcing previously learned material, rather than introducing new topics. Users must remember what they learned in class, and apply that knowledge to each question and subject. To succeed, students must recall relevant information from class, especially during IXL Math's "quizzes." Users who are unable to answer every question in a set correctly should revisit the assignment, making changes in their problem solving strategies based on a close review of the feedback they receive. Drilling mathematical equations, formulas or theorems via the site serves as a good way to absorb and retain academic information and apply it later in an classroom setting.

IXL Math and Mathematics

IXL MathIXL Math works to improve childrens' ability to understand math in the classroom as well as digitally in their home. The wealth of content that the site provides makes it great for students, teachers, and parents as a way of monitoring progress and reinforcing previously learned material. To ensure children are getting the most out of the website, they should carefully go over each question they got wrong, using a pencil and paper to attempt to solve the question correctly. If they still fail to answer it correctly, they should bring the question with them to class the next day, for further clarification.

In order to get the most out of IXL Math, try some of the ideas below, or submit your own in the comment box at the bottom of the page.

Flexibility Activity

IXLWith your child, talk about what he is learning in a particular chapter or unit in his math textbook. Ask him to apply what he is learning in the classroom setting to the online forum that IXL Math provides. Talk to him about the differences in answering questions on a worksheet and on a screen. Often, on-screen math problems will make your child want to answer questions at a faster pace, as the "submit" button, looms in plain sight. However, be sure you and your child acknowledge the differences between each learning medium, using both digital and print questions to maximize learning potential.

Working Memory Activity

Use IXL Math with your child to reinforce what he has been learning in class. For example, if your fourth grade child is learning about "unit prices," in school, be sure to check out IXL Math's corresponding section each day. The more often course content is reinforced, the easier time your child will have studying and committing problem solving strategies to memory. If your child has demonstrated a mastery of a subject area, encourage him check his syllabus to see what will be taught next. Your child can get a head start on new material, using IXL Math as a way of learning new subject matter - which will ultimately allow him more time to commit newer concepts to memory.

Math Activity

Have your child use IXL Learning to get a jump start on the next chapter in his math studies. If your child is about to start learning fractions, for example, use the site as a way to introduce the basic functions of the concept, like splitting numbers in half, or adding up 3 thirds to make a whole. Begin by reading over the introductory material with him and then try a few exercises. Make sure to help him along the way, so when it comes time to fully tackle the topic in class, he'll already be primed on the basics.


ixlMathChildren with ADHD often struggle to retain information that they learned in class. As a result they labor over homework problems, sometimes failing to hand in assignments due to frustration that their forgetfulness causes. Inattentiveness during class can cause the quality of notes to suffer, further resulting in the inability to complete practice problems while at home.

Using IXL Math, children with ADHD can be better equipped to excel in their math classes, as they are given the opportunity to get extra practice on nearly every mathematical subject that will encounter while in school. The immediate feedback that the site provides, will give them the opportunity to learn from their mistakes in a fun and interactive environment.

How to Use IXL Math for Children with ADHD

  • Because children with ADHD have difficulties with structure, it is imperative that these children have strict, regimented practice times when they will use IXL Math. Blocks of time should be set aside each day for IXL Math practice, in additional to their regular homework schedule. The extra practice will not only help reinforce learned material, but it will also introduce children to problem solving in the digital medium.
  • Children with ADHD will find it beneficial to use IXL Math over summer vacation. They will have the opportunity to prepare for the next school year, months in advance. It might be best for them to work through the material from the previous year first, as a way to activate their working memories. After they have demonstrated a mastery of the old material, children can move on the new concepts, and prepare themselves for the upcoming year.
  • IXL Math allows children with ADHD to exercise their flexibility skills. Because they must adapt their problem solving strategies to the digital medium, they will be using mental math to answer many of the questions. Children with ADHD will learn to distinguish between questions they can answer using mental math, and more difficult questions that will require a pencil and paper. When it comes time for them to take standardized tests, these children will spend less time on easier questions, allowing them the ability to work through longer problems at a slower pace.


Below are some similar alternatives to IXL Math Let us know your favorite in the comment field at the bottom of the page.

Khan Academy Khan Academy is an online library of videos for learning and practicing academic concepts. Users can search by keyword, and are then able to choose from a variety of leveled videos related to that term. Find out more in our Khan Academy review.


Math.com offers similar guidance and practice as Rick's Math, and includes lesson plans, parent resources, as well as math games. Find out more in our Math.com review.

Ricks Math

Rick's Math Rick's Math offers quick tips, practice problems, and extra explanations that can be beneficial for all levels of math students. Check out our Rick's Math review for details.


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