Which is better? Tutoring or coaching for ADHD?

One of the more useful strategies for helping individuals with ADHD is coaching. Coaches attempt to guide rather than tutor children with ADHD. Coaches are also useful in helping adults with ADHD to organize and structure their lives. Coaching for ADHD can be done face-to-face, but technologies like texting, e-mailing, Skyping, and telephoning are also used as methods for communication. If you do not know very much about coaching, we’ll help you get better acquainted with it.

Here are some of our favorite websites for learning more about the use of coaching for children with ADHD:

Beyond BookSmart is a coaching company helping students develop the necessary skills to become successful in school and beyond.

Coaching for ADHD is a site run by Laurie Dupar, a trained ADHD coach who is the mother of two ADHD children. She works with both parents and children to create effective strategies for minimizing challenges caused by ADHD.

The Edge Foundation’s coaches specialize in working one-on-one with young people who have ADHD. The focus is mainly on improving executive function skills such as organization and time management.

Bravo Life Coach Kathy Sussell has enlightening blog posts about time management, organization and effort. She also provides resources for alternative ADHD treatment options such as meditation.

Elizabeth Ahmann’s ADHD and Life Coaching is an informative site for teens and young adults about the benefits of coaching for ADHD.

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