Building Flexibility with League of Legends

Building Flexibility with League of LegendsIn this workshop, our expert Gamer Guides lead kids through fun League of Legends activities to improve their Flexibility skills. Today’s Activity: All Random Battle [...]

Building Focus with Mario Kart!

Building Focus with Mario Kart!In this workshop, our expert Gamer Guides lead kids through fun Mario Kart activities to improve their Focus skills. Today’s Activity: Grand Prix with Focus Welcome [...]

Building Focus with League of Legends

Building Focus with League of LegendsIn this workshop, our expert Gamer Guides lead kids through fun League of Legends activities to improve their Focus skills. Today’s Activity: Summoners Rift battle [...]

Building Focus with Overwatch!

Building Focus with Overwatch!In this workshop, our expert Gamer Guides lead kids through fun Overwatch activities to improve their Focus skills. Today’s Activity: Assault & Escort with Focus Through out [...]

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