“How often should I let my child play video games?” might be the most common question I am asked as a child clinical psychologist. There are a lot of mixed […]
The holidays can provide a special sense of wonder and excitement, but they can also make you feel like there is some special trick to finding a balance between letting […]
The end of February means vacation time for most public school students. As a parent, you want to keep your kids busy, having fun, and being somewhat productive. But many […]
Kay writes:
We would like a set time vs. a completed game limit. The games on STEAM ban players who end games early [so] players need to have other players […]
My 15-year-old gets sucked into other things on the Internet almost every time he turns on the computer. This is hard because at his age he has a lot of […]
My son plays video games after school for 4 hours a day. On weekends, his time playing video games doubles, up to 8 hours. We’ve tried to get him to […]
Minecraft interferes with my teen’s homework and other responsibilities. How can we even begin to set limits on Minecraft when he can even play it on his mobile phone?
It […]
“One size doesn’t fit all.” When it comes to setting screen time limits, this is very true. Some kids are not interested enough in technology to make it a concern […]
“If you’re good while we’re out shopping this morning, you can use the computer when we get home.”
If you’re a parent of a child who plays video games, no […]
There are set times for school, sports practices, and after-school programs. It’s not so odd to start scheduling game time as well. Scheduling is one of the most common methods […]