
LQ: 8.2


Brain grade: 8.8
Fun score: 7.5

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

iTunes / Google Play

In this word-building game, the screen is filled with jumbled letters, tasking players with connecting adjoining letters to spell words. Players earn points for how quickly they spell, the length of their words and the difficultly rating of the letters used. Some letter tiles have a red outline, denoting that they must be used quickly, as their borders will fill red over time. If the letter is not used before the border fills completely, the game ends. If there are no words to spell, players can shake the device to re-scramble the letters, but doing so costs additional time. There is no inappropriate content in the game, but spelling skills are needed to play. The controls needed to play are easy, and as long as players can spell fairly well, they can enjoy the game. Due to these considerations, WordsWorth is recommended to players ages 8 and up.

This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:

Time Management

Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort.

This game is good for kids who need help with Time Management, as it tasks players with prioritizing their actions in order to use certain letters within a set amount of time. If these letters are not used to spell a word before their border becomes red, it is game over. Taking time to create bigger, more difficult words earns more points, but if players take too long, a red tile may not be used in time. This requires players to strike a balance between score-building and speed. Also, players can re-scramble the letters by shaking the device, which is useful when no words can be spelled using a timed red letter. However, doing so results in a time penalty which can, in turn, affect the overall score.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Not all tiles are worth the same amount of points. A tile's value is indicated by the dots below each letter, ranging from 1 to 3. With a high score in the mind, players will benefit from using the dots strategically to build high-scoring words. One strategy entails identifying all of the 3-dot tiles and attempting to use them in a word. If this is not an option, players may then start looking for words using the double-dotted tiles. Simply creating any word that is easily found first is not the best method to achieving a high score. Instead, players should take some time to survey the screen and pick out the best tiles, using them to their advantage. Doing so quickly will earn a lot more points and earn in-game achievements.

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