
LQ: 8.6


Brain grade: 8.7
Fun score: 8.5

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 13+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

In Warhawk, players engage in a massive, online battle fought both on the ground and in the sky. Players fight as either the Eucadian or Chernovan forces and defend their territory using fighter-jets, armored vehicles, and infantry ground units. Game modes include Capture the Flag, Team Death Match, and Territories Mode. The game has violence but no blood, and features military weaponry and vehicles. Parents may want to turn off the game’s communications feature, as other players sometimes use crude language when chatting online. Due these considerations, Warhawk is recommended to players ages 13 and up.

This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

In Warhawk, players can use many different vehicle and weaponry to battle online. Also, playing online means facing opponents that are both good and bad, and each requires a different approach. For instance, when facing a superior pilot, players may want to stay out of the skies to avoid being shot down, instead using a bazooka to blow the opponent out of the sky. Facing a novice, players are free to take flight and shower their opponent with bombs from above. As different player types join the game, it is important to remain flexible in both weaponry and tactics.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings. Improving social skills.

Warhawk is primarily an online team-based game, so players must learn to work together when fighting on land or in air. Players will need to cooperate with each other, and use a similar strategy when playing the different game modes like Capture the Flag or Territories. Rather than acting alone, players should instead work together to complete objectives. The key to winning Warhawk's battles is to think about one's role in the team, and concentrate on using a more tactical approach, rather than only looking for individual gain in one's personal score.

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