Elephant Quest

LQ: 8.5


Brain grade: 7.8
Fun score: 9.2

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 5+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


Elephant Quest is a puzzle platforming game available on Kongregate.com. Players guide an elephant through a series of levels (45 locations in total) as they try and complete the 11 quests set before them. Usually when players encounter fellow elephants, they will receive a new mission, learn a new skill, or understand an aspect of gameplay that may not have been clear before. Essentially, players use the directional pad to control their elephant avatar. Pressing and holding any button on the mouse allows players to fire a laser beam to take down enemies that stand in the way. Moving through the game requires good platforming skills. However, once players begin to clear objectives and defeat more difficult and stronger enemies, they will earn ability points and credits. Credits can be cashed in to increase either agility, intelligence, dexterity, and charisma. This part of gameplay is really the crux of Elephant Quest, as players will have a much easier time platforming and eliminating enemies if they are stronger, faster, healthier, and better equipped. With mild cartoon violence, and a surmountable learning curve, we recommend Elephant Quest to players who are 6 and older.



53fca39ee1b963d40110b2deSetting and achieving goals are an important part of the focus thinking skill. In a game like Elephant Quest where there is an emphasis on objectives and quests, players can practice and hone their focus in an environment that fosters goal-directed persistence. The game offers 11 different quests, many of which are given to players simultaneously. And it's not always clear which goal should be completed first. When players embark on quests they are constantly entering and exiting a multitude of doors. The sheer number of doors and rooms in Elephant Quest make it difficult for players to remember exactly where it was they had to go or even what they had to do. Focused and attentive players will not lose sight of their most important quests and pressing goals despite the game's every attempt to throw them off course.


Screen shot 2012-02-08 at 2.28.54 PMPlatformers by nature challenge players to be flexible thinkers. Elephant Quest is no exception. Timing jumps, avoiding enemies, and firing well-aimed lasers takes more than focus -- it takes flexible thinking. Players are constantly encountering new terrain, different enemies, alternate weapons, and unique missions. Adjusting and adapting to new these new modes is crucial. The best way to adjust to new levels is to accrue credits. Once players begin to struggle (assuming they have a few credits to spare) it's probably time to increase stat points. One credit gives players 5 stat points. Once players have 25 stat points allotted to a specific skill (like jumping) a new powerup or skill will become available. Players need to figure out how to spend their stat points wisely. And to do so requires employing the flexibility thinking skill.

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