Aqua Panic!

LQ: 8.3


Brain grade: 8
Fun score: 8.6

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: 7+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

In Aqua Panic!, fish are poured into dangerous landscapes and players must use various tools to manipulate the level and keep the fish from being eaten by predators. At the bottom of each stage hungry sharks are lurking, and to avoid these sharks, players use bombs, plants, and many other tools to create safe paths for the fish to follow. Players are awarded a score based on how many fish they save and how many coins they collect, requiring players to devise creative paths to the water below. Because the game requires a small amount of reading, and features minimal cartoon violence, Aqua Panic! is recommended for players ages 7 and up.

this game is good for kids who need help with:


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Aqua Panic - Educational Game Review image 1

This game is good for kids who have trouble making a plan and then implementing it in an orderly fashion. Before the action commences, players will get a chance to observe the level so that they may plan their course of action. In Aqua Panic!, players must change each level’s landscape to lead their fish to safer waters. By taking note of the hazards, pitfalls, and tools available, players can think ahead and develop strategies that incorporate them before they begin the game. Because the action happens so quickly, it is a great idea to use some foresight and formulate a strategy beforehand, so that the maximum number of fish can be saved.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

It often takes several attempts to get the best score possible in Aqua Panic!, which requires players to learn from their mistakes and previous actions to see what works, what doesn't work, and to think about how to improve their approach. Each level has strategically placed coins of varying colors that players can receive by guiding the fish over them. The solutions to getting the coins may not be obvious, and kids may have to think outside the box with their tools or use trial-and-error to collect all of the coins on each level.

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