
LQ: 6.3


Brain grade: 5.9
Fun score: 6.6

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


In ActionSwing, players must launch a stick person from a moving swing, with the goal being to get him to land on a moving platform marked “Safe.” ActionSwing is separated into rounds which become progressively more difficult as players advance. In each new level, both the swing and the platform can change speed, the “Safe” platform can become smaller, and its position may change. Players are given three tries before reaching game over, and are awarded a score based on their accurately and how far they made it into the game. The game can be replayed in order to beat previous scores. Due to the lack of violence or any other offensive content, simple gameplay and easy to learn control, ActionSwing is recommended to players ages 4 and up.


this game is good for kids who need help with:


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

ActionSwing Educational Game Review image 1

ActionSwing requires players to resist the urge to launch their stick person too early, or without properly deducing the correct timing. Since the speeds of the platform and the swing vary from level to level, players must consciously control their impulse to jump. The “Safe” platform moves from side to side and becomes increasingly difficult to hit over time, so players will need to time each jump carefully. Without good Self-Control skills, players may click the “Launch” button impulsively, making it harder to advance through the game's more difficult rounds.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

While the goal of each level remains exactly the same throughout the game (time jumps to help land the stick person on the platform), the levels to vary in other ways. Variable include the speed at which the player swings, the size of the landing platform, its position and the speed at which it moves. Though playing the game involves just a single command -- make the character jump -- the toiming that goies into it must be precise, varies greatly level to level. Players who play the game with a singular apporach will struggle to adapt to the changing speed and conditions.

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