
LQ: 9.0


Brain grade: 8.9
Fun score: 9.1

Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 9+ Thinking Skills Used: , , , Academic Skills Used:

Versu is a reading app in which users can participate in the story by choosing characters’ thoughts, feelings, actions, and words. Users are tasked with a series of objectives throughout the course of different stories. Objectives vary by story, character, and even the different choices users make throughout the story arc. Selecting different thoughts and words for the character alters the trajectory of the story, as well as the feelings of the other characters toward each other. Users may save their progress during a story to return to later, or start over to replay the same story for different results. Though Versu does not contain any explicit content, the length and vocabulary of stories may be too difficult for very young readers, so this app is recommended to any user ages 9 and up.



Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

versu 1Versu contains a number of stories which require users to complete different and evolving objectives throughout the plot. Objectives can often be accomplished in a number of unique ways, and different options become available depending on users' actions of those of other characters. This encourages users to remain open-minded and flexible, considering many different possibilities and outcomes when working to achieve a specific objective. When attempting to achieve a goal, it is essential that users be able to consider multiple options and alter their approach as possibilities and advantages shift.


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

The different stories in Versu require users to exercise a fair amount of attention and concentration. The stories can be lengthy, progressing at the user's desired pace, and contain a large amount of information and details essential to successfully achieving the different objectives. Missing important points or details can mean failing objectives or missing opportunities, so users must remain focused on the story at hand throughout it's duration. In addition, the thoughts and feelings of other characters are indicated by tapping the characters' portraits. Users must also carefully consider their companions' and enemies' thoughts and desires, which provide clues as to what actions are needed to achieve individual goals within the story. Users who are focused and attentive to details will get the most out of Versu, achieving and unlocking a greater number of objectives.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

versu 2An integral aspect of Versu is the way in which the characters interact with one another. Whether users are trying to achieve a goal of making a friend, or simply conversing with companion characters, nearly every action impacts other characters in the story. Users must not only be aware of their own character's thoughts and feelings, but must read and gather information on their peers. Versu helps users consider and understand the feelings of others, as well as the effect their own character's actions have on those around them. For example, when making a selection about what a character will say next, certain options may offend another character while pleasing a third character. To reach their objectives, users must consider the feelings of other characters and understand the affect their actions have on those around them.

Working Memory

Recalling and retaining information in our mind while working.

Recalling details is an important factor in achieving objectives in Versu. Hints and possible objectives are related to users both through dialogue and narrative. Often, completing an objective requires a user to apply a piece of previously discovered information. For example, when attempting to make friends with a companion character, it is important to recall some knowledge of his or her background, other details the character has related, as well as previously indicated preferences. Users who exercise the Working Memory thinking skill will be more likely to achieve a greater number of objectives when repeating a story, as well as follow and understand the overall story arc to a greater degree.


Versu relies heavily on reading to convey information. Users advance a narrative storyline through the use of on screen buttons, learn information through dialogue, and can read additional details about other characters by selecting their portraits. Many stories require a fair amount of reading over a 45 minute to one hour time period. To achieve objectives users must pay close attention to the reading, which encourages the development of desirable reading habits. Versu encourages users to be attentive and detail-oriented in their reading, paying close attention to basic literary devices such as foreshadowing and imagery to make informed decisions about what their characters should do next.

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