TuneIn Radio

LQ: 8.1


Brain grade: 7.9
Fun score: 8.3

Platform/Console: , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

TuneIn Radio is a radio streaming app that allows users to listen thousands of news, music, sports, and entertainment radio stations from around the world. Users can listen to local stations, podcasts, or any of the TuneIn Radio popular and recommended stations. Stations can be marked as a “favorite,” saving the station to a special playlist for later use. Additionally, users can choose to upgrade the app to TuneIn Radio Pro which allows the same free streaming of radio with the added benefit of pausing, rewinding, or recording radio channels. TuneIn Radio is free to download, easy to use, and contains no inappropriate content. As with any radio tuner, parents should exercise desecration in deciding which content is age appropriate for their child. This app is recommended for any user ages 6 and up.



Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

tunein menuTuneIn Radio features thousands of unique radio stations from around the world. Users can explore interests, get updates on the latest local and national news, listen to discussions on their favorite sports team, or download a podcast. With so many available listening options, users have an excellent opportunity to grow and nurture a particular interest, or even discover something new. TuneIn Radio can help introduce users to new stations and genres of music, niche interest area podcasts, or keep them updated on political affairs across the globe. Listening to content broadcast in distant locations of differing cultural viewpoints is an excellent way gain perspective and expand knowledge across a variety of topics.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

TuneIn Radio affords users an opportunity to exercise the Planning thinking skill in a number of ways. Whether tuning in to a live broadcast of a favorite talk radio program or recording for later listening, users must exercise foresight and preparation when making arrangements for tuning into a program. Additionally, users exercise marking individual stations or podcasts as a "favorite," saving them for later listening. These stations will be saved to a special playlist within TuneIn Radio for ease of access in the future. Listening to live broadcasts also requires a small degree of planning as users must be sure they have a good data connection and free time available for listening. Similarly to scheduling time to watch a favorite television show each week, users must plan ahead to hear the latest broadcast of their favorite radio program.

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