
LQ: 8


Brain grade: 8.7
Fun score: 7.2

Platform/Console: , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Dropbox is a cloud-based storage system where users can upload up to 2GB of content free of charge. Music, videos, text documents, and presentations can be synced across platforms, making it easy for users to access their personal files and documents online, wherever they are. A premium version is also available by annual subscription, affording users 100GB of space. Users can upload photos directly from their mobile devices by enabling the “camera uploads” function, and can prioritize documents and files of particular importance by choosing to “favorite” them. For added security, a password can be set protect data. Dropbox is best used for children 8 and over, but parents should always oversee content synched or uploaded to the Internet.

Dropbox is helpful for kids who need help with:


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

Dropbox affords users with the opportunity to sync important documents and media across multiple mobile devices and computers. In the same way that storage apps like iCloud and Cubby function, Dropbox makes it easy to access documents like presentations and homework, music and video files,  and more. It can also be used as a great organizational app, allowing users to create folders to store related content, helping to make important files easily accessible at all times. Users can even "favorite" synced data to denote particular importance. The camera upload feature will automatically sync every photo and video in a device's media folder, a good method for freeing up space on tablets and smartphones. Adding and deleting files is a simple one-step process, making it east to remove unwanted documents that are no longer needed.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Dropbox can function as a useful planning tool, especially for users who are students, as Dropbox can be used like a portable binder. Documents that pertain to schoolwork should be added to folders by subject. When users have down-time between classes, the app allows them study class content on-the-go via mobile device. Due to the finite storage space, users must add files that will be most relevant. Bearing in mind that video and music files use the most space, if users limit the inclusion of these types of files, they can make better use of Dropbox's functionality. Prioritizing a collection of useful documents ensures users have access to the most important documents at a moment's notice.

To get the most out of Dropbox, try some of the specific suggestions below, or let us know how you use this app in the comment box at the bottom of the page.

Organization Activity

With your child, use Dropbox to create a variety separate folders. Folders should then be labelled, with titles such as "chores," "media" and "school." Using these three simple categories, you and your child can fashion a mobile organizational list for day-to-day activities. It is a strategy that can be particularly effective for those who are often careless or absent minded. While an organizational app like Astrid can help to issue reminders, Dropbox's ability to access files from anywhere allows for document related to tasks to be more accessible. Especially concerning schoolwork, Dropbox is the best way of compiling word processed or scanned content in a systematic and manageable format.

Planning Activity

Using a desktop or laptop computer, create a weekly list of chores for your child to do. Allow your child to sync the word-processed list to Dropbox, so the list can be viewed at any time. Instead of reminding your child directly to carry out specific tasks, you can simply recommend your child to refer to a Dropbox folder entitled, "chores." Your child should make it a habit of checking the list periodically to manage and plan out the day around these household obligations.

Dropbox & ADHD

Children with ADHD sometimes let distraction or a lack of focus result in forgetful actions, like failing to bring homework assignments to class, an oversight that results in low scores in school, and a perception of being unreliable and unprepared. Children can use Dropbox as a way to combat their spells of absent mindedness, as long as they sync all their work to the app. In the event that they forget the physical copy of an assignment, its digital files sitting Dropbox can be accessed.

How to Use Dropbox for Children with ADHD:

  • For children with ADHD who sometimes forget their homework, a regimented use of Dropbox should be employed. Parents may have to get involved at the beginning of the process. By scanning handwritten documents into a desktop, then syncing them as a PDF to Dropbox, parents are affording their children with the opportunity to retrieve all schoolwork at any moment. It is a process that will make studying easier and mobile, and will be a handy option for a forgotten homework assignment.
  • Encourage children with ADHD to familiarize themselves with the syncing process. By selecting the "enable camera upload" function, photographs and videos will immediately sync to Dropbox into an existing folder. Understanding how to upload photos, will introduce children to the way in which Dropbox organizes content, allowing them to prioritize their most important files.
  • Children will find it beneficial to create subject-related folders that feature all of their schoolwork. Doing so will allow them to access their schoolwork from any location. With schoolwork constantly at their fingertips, children will be capable of studying more frequently on their mobile devices.

The Dropbox app is just one option for cloud based storage apps. Explore the tools below, and let us know which resource you enjoy in the comment box at the bottom of the page.


A product of Apple, iCloud offers subscription based cloud space to users who wish to share content across platforms. Read our iCloud review to learn more.




Cubby is another cloud-based storage app, that offers up to 5 GB of space for free. Be sure to look at out our Cubby review for more information.



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